Wednesday, May 1All That Matters

Enter at your own risk 💀

Enter at your own risk 💀

Enter at your own risk 💀 from funny

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  • Aloha_Snackbar357

    The second half of the video should have been someone tripping over the dog after they laid down right behind their feet. That’s how they get you. I’ve had so many near death experiences with that so far, it’s only a matter of time

  • Alive-n-Kicking-76

    Golden retrievers are some of the nicest dogs. I only got bitten while he was eating his bone. That was stupid from me though.

  • Thac0isWhac0

    My dad’s golden just hit a year old and is 94lbs. He’s super friendly, strong like bull, and absolutely zero coordination or self control. He’ll kill you by accidentally knocking you down the stairs in an attempt to come give you love. He really wants to play with my 35lbs shiba/corgi mix, but we’re just worried our guy will get hurt because my dad’s dog is so clumsy.

  • Dumblerawr

    G̵̛̝͓͉̼̠͙̐͌̅̄̄͂̃͘̕͝͠o̸̼͍̊̅͐̄͌́̽̽̂̃͋͝͝͝l̸̩͉̥̳̱̭̘̺͇͌̄̾̒̈́͑͒͝͝͝d̶̳̩̜̗͚̩̮̪͉̦̼̾̆̏̑̎͝ͅe̵̡̞̿̚n̷̪̊̾ ̶̡̻̬̥͂͜͜D̷̢̢̨̛̞͕͈̣̠̫͍̈́̓̏̕e̴̤̖̯͕̬͎͇͉̩̥̯̩̼̱̓̉̿́̃̓̊̕͜͝c̵̛̪̩̝͇͊͝è̵̡̛̺̦̰̊̎͊̓͑͝i̸̫͕̦̼̥͐͋͗͌̽͂͝v̵̨̨̡͙̹͔̘͎̪̝̖̂͐e̴̛̺̠͓̙̜͌͆̓̈́̑̒̃̈͆̀͗̋̉̚r̴̢̢̛͍͕̻̯̫̪͍͔̫͎̰̫̼̀̾̓̉̓̄̈́͌̚͝

  • mariachoo_doin

    My theory is that very few genuine assholes own goldens.

    A golden retriever chained to a tree is something you just don’t see very often.

    I’ve yet to catch one of those garbage owners that don’t pick up after their dog, doing that filthy deed with a golden.

    I’ve never been growled or barked at by a golden retriever held back by its sheepishly guilty owner. I stopped asking permission to pet when I come across them, because both owner and dog love the interaction.

    There’s probably a few out there, I guess.

  • Aceticon

    I don’t think a golden retriever who is either high or drunk is any more dangerous than one not under the influence…

  • Tannyr

    What does the first caption say? There’s so much glare on the Reddit mobile app for whatever reason and I can’t read it

  • Blorfenburger

    I dont hate golden retrievers but I remember when I was a kid one of them growled at me and bite my hand. I must have gotten scared and waved my hands or something and the fucker took a chomp and ripped little bits of skin off. That’s when I knew that breed doesnt matter.

    Side note: white kid once told me black labs are dangerous. Hehehehehe. Son of a bitch

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