Monday, June 10All That Matters

“Dr.” Mario

“Dr.” Mario

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    I went to school with Mr. Mario.

    All he did was snort lines and bang brunettes.
    Find a new doctor. He just wants to push Rxs

  • Philbro-Baggins

    Tinfoil hat time

    Mario (Plumber) has the full name of Mario Mario. Dr. Mario, would be using the surname of Mario after his title, and so is not necessarily the same Mario as Mario Mario. I will propose that Dr. Mario is Mario Marios father.

  • PhelesDragon

    Dude was just plumbing to get through medical school, he started classes in 1982. I swear, there’s no shortage of people willing to tear down those who work hard and persevere.

    This is an Italian thing, isn’t it? I’m reporting this hate-post and I hope others do and the mods ban you.

  • Da_Gudz

    I made a theory on this awhile ago so here’s my evidence that Dr. Mario isn’t actually Mario

    It takes 10-14 years to become a fully licensed doctor but the release dates between “Mario Bros” and “Dr. Mario” is only 7 years a whole 3 years short

    And the likelihood that Mario had been going to med school while also saving the princess and all his other random jobs he’s had between 1983 and 1990 (like refereeing professional tennis and boxing oh and a soldier) it’s unlikely he could’ve actually gotten it done in his spare time

    So how could Mario possibly be performing any of these medical acts besides performing medical malpractice because something tells me Nintendo doesn’t want their flagship character doing that

    the only logical answer…. is Twins!

    This explains why Dr. Mario has different moves and stats than Mario in the smash bros series, it’s why he can shoot electricity (a power I don’t think Mario’s been shown he can just do) it also explains why he’s slower and heavier (and it’s not his PHD it’s actually because this Mario bro isn’t as fit as his adventuring brothers)

    The Mario bros names are also notoriously known to be Mario Mario and Luigi Mario so him being named “Dr. Mario” means he has to be a third Mario brother and not just some guy who happens to strike a resemblance

    And if I’m right? guess what the colors of the 3 Mario bros would be Green, White, and Red. Aka the colors of the Italian Flag

    Idk just a fun theory that I like to believe is true

  • nikkistarfire

    Dr. Mario is singlehandedly responsible for the opioid epidemic. Have you seen how he just throws pills around? He has to be stopped.

  • Mrsheeples1992

    Wow so he spends years in medical school doubling as a plumber in his off hours dedicating many years of service to his community and even going far above and beyond handling the overwhelming tirtle and other creature infestations, topples a coup de ta monarchy, and then becomes after all that shit people have the nerve to say they aren’t being treated well?

    Also he was way ahead of treatment with mushrooms to treat as therapy – we’re just restarting to see benefits he last few years he was 30 years ahead of his time!

  • TyrantX_90

    Mario is one of the most accomplished dudes ever. He worked as a plumber while putting himself through med school while practicing to become a professional soccer, golf, basketball, tennis, baseball player. While learning martial arts. While becoming a pro racer. No wonder he is dating a princess and it takes a dinosaur dragon to take this dude on.

  • GammaGoose85

    I went to Dr Mario to help improve my libido and he sewed goats testicles into my scrotum. After the swelling didn’t come down and it got infected without any increase in Libido, I went to another doctor to have them checked and it turns out a simple google search would have told me that the procedure was fraudulent. I tried reaching Dr Mario again but his phone was no longer in service and the office he was working out of was empty. In the end, I was frauded $15,000 for the procedure and now in crippling debt because of the fallout medical bills.

  • PrinceHumperTinkTink

    I thought there was something fishy about a doctor that exclusively prescribed pills while doing absolutely nothing else for his patients.

  • Myokoot

    Part of me thinks he was hired to pose as a doctor by the government. Hence the shoving many pills down people to cure viruses, it was a scheme to test the Megavitamins on people with such viruses. What the fuck did I just write

  • muconasale

    My personal headcanon:
    Mario has always been a doctor, sometimes along his career he made a mistake in good faith and someone died. Devastated he quit his profession and started working as a plumber in the family business alongside his brother.
    After his first successful adventures he regained faith in himself and could start practicing medicine again. But, in the end, he decided that being a plumber was his real vocation since in the Mushroom Kingdom plumbing was a more effective job if your purpose is to save lives because of the abundance of giant pipes and the scarcity of illnesses.

  • okayYnot

    Actually, canoncially. Mario was a Medical prodigy that stopped a virus outbreak in the mushroom kingdom by developing the “Super Vitamins” that were the only thing capable of treating Fever, Weird and Chill.

    After the pandemic was over, he was AWARDED the title of Dr. It was always canon that he did not go to medical school.

  • Sagatario_the_Gamer

    How do you know Mario wasn’t working as a plumber while simultaneously going to school and 1990 is when he finished? That’d make him incredibly busy, but if he had to do it to make ends meet then that’s impressive, not proof of fraud.

  • LegoBatman88

    Dr. Mario (according to some games and manga) is the 3rd brother. He is not the same person as the plumber Mario brother.

  • Nicolasgonzo87

    he got his medical license legally. since he couldn’t start work for another 7 years however he picked up plumbing to pay the bills.

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