Sunday, May 12All That Matters

Documentary on glorified female s*x tourism

Documentary on glorified female s*x tourism

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  • wisdom_and_frivolity

    Bro was right back out on the beach the next day, damn. None of these guys are getting an italian/american/wherever living wage, they’re being exploited at a dominican wage.

  • Arniepepper

    The commentary on this would be wildly different if it was about white males (not the pedos, just regular guys looking for love with woman in their age range… ish) in South-East Asia, although the story is sort of the same.

  • teems

    It’s all over the Caribbean where there’s white sand and blue seas. Also helps if you speak English.

    Jamaica, Barbados, Grenada, St Vincent, St Lucia, Tobago (not Trinidad).

  • flyingcircle

    Saw this way too much in Peace Corps. Sad how many women just left the men high and dry at the end of their tours like “oh oops did you expect this to continue?”

  • Fiat_430

    Imagine this were white dudes, looking for love in Southeast Asia.

    Edit; People seem to not realise (bad wording from my end) that I am refering to the glorified part of this. White dudes go to asia all the time, but it is refered to as gross and discusting

  • mojoradio

    Very creepy the way this is portrayed as women liberating themselves and taking a break from a rigorous European work/life balance when in reality they are exploiting poor economic conditions in developing countries to sleep with much younger men.

  • bhangmango

    *”Young men who sell their bodies for a meal or a night at the hotel […] Everyday they’re on the lookout for their* ***prey*** *: women vacationing alone”*

    Interesting choice of words

  • Sstraight69

    When men go to Asia for the exact same thing they are labelled predators.

    When women go to DR they are “preyed upon”. Perpetual victimisation, god forbid women be held to the same standard as men

  • PerBnb

    My friend grew up in a gated community outside of Santo Domingo, a child of serious wealth and privilege. Him and his friends from the private high school he went to would hang out at resorts hoping to flirt with the flocks of (mostly) upper-middle class women from the East Coast who had flown down for a week or two in the winter. The women had no qualms about hooking up with underage Dominican dudes

  • Khorgor666

    Sex Tourism is Sex Tourism, to me thats not different to guys flying to Thailand, its rich people or at least people with money exploiting the poor.

  • SailingBroat

    I know he’s just reading out the subtitles/translation, but the gentlemanly voice over going “That’s lovely” in his broadcast english accent when the woman points to the man’s abs is hilarious.

  • DoingItForEli

    What’s interesting to me is the women acting like European men are afraid of commitment, but it never dawns on them if they’re the type of person to go to another country and hook up without protection with someone who very obviously does that exact thing over and over, that in itself is the basis for their rejection.

    Also, this is exploitation no matter how you look at it. It’s always sad. The same can be said whether it’s these men or people online doing videos of themselves: If they had the money, if they had their needs met, the vast majority of them wouldn’t be living like this.

  • Prof_swampy

    Kinda icky of the documentary to describe the Dominican guys walking the beach as ‘hunters looking for pray’. Those women aren’t pray, those women literally came there for one reason. To pay to get railed by some Dominican guy. If anything they’re the hunters.

  • New_Position6578

    I visited the DR back in 2012. I distinctly remember exploring around a town with a friend and a local we befriended. There was a decommissioned bridge that partly was destroyed. People would fish off it. At the end of the bridge, my friend and I saw what looked to be 65+ year old woman in the water with a teenage boy. Maybe 13-15. They were clearly banging. I remember being weirded out and the local said that happens ALLLL the time. I thought it was weird but kind of brushed it off. You never really think of a woman, especially a senior citizen, sexually abusing/exploiting or taking advantage of an obviously deplorable situation. I hate that I brushed it off. Thinking back, that’s absolutely disgusting.

  • False-Guess

    I saw a documentary about something similar. I think it was in Ghana. I don’t remember the country, but I know it was a west African country. Lots of European women would vacation there and have “relationships” with local men. The women insisted it was real love, and so did the men, yet the women were the ones paying for everything. One lady was like 70 years old and “dating” a man in his late 20’s to early 30’s.

    What I liked about it was that there was nuance to the conversation. It wasn’t all “these men are scamming these women”, but they recognized that this is basically sex tourism. Maybe the men were scamming the women, but that doesn’t mean these women are innocent either.

    The only thing I wish they did in the documentary was get the perspective of the local women, because I’m sure a bunch of local men trying to find a wealthy sugar mama makes dating and relationships more difficult for local women.

  • mcjon77

    This is super common in the Dominican Republic. I don’t know if the video showed it, but it’s so common Dominicans even have a name for guys who date older foreign women. They call them sankies.

    The first time I saw this I was 29 years old in the Dominican Republic. I expected to see a bunch of older American and European guys with younger Dominican women, and I did see that. But I was shocked at the sheer number of older american, Canadian and European women with very young Dominican men.

    It was kind of weird to basically watch a woman financially support a younger guy just for sex and attention. We’re used to seeing men do that, but that’s because women can pretty easily get sex and attention without paying for it.

    The goal is to either have a “Western Union novia” who sends you a monthly allowance while she’s back in Europe or Canada working, or to have her sponsor you for immigration to her country.

    As a side note, every single guy I saw there who had some European or American woman sending him money was still banging at a ton of other chicks while she was away. Every single one.

    One guy had a wife who basically treated this like his occupation. He went to work laying pipe and came back with cash for his family.

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