Tuesday, May 14All That Matters


The Battle of Midway took place in the Pacific Theater of WWII 80 years ago this summer. That confrontation was marked by the innovative use of aircraft carriers where the ships did not see each other face to face for the first time in a naval confrontation.

While this film does not depict Midway, this film makes use of actual footage from World War II, including an attack on an American aircraft carrier.

Remember, this film depicts actual combat and soldiers and sailors taking wounds or dying in combat. Please treat the film with the dignity and respect our fallen servicemen in the USA deserve and remember the NC-17 rating means that no one under 17 years of age is permitted to watch. Period.

I have spoken personally to quite a few WWII veterans in the process of making this film, from both the European and Pacific theaters of Operations. They are the most inspirational individuals you could ever hope to meet. If you ever have a chance to sit down and talk with a World War II veteran I couldn’t express how much it can change your life to see their will to life and love. The musical segments of the film are meant to show that the Greatest Generation weren’t all about war and killing, and they knew how to have a REALLY good time on the side too.

Also this film is dedicated to my grandparents, now deceased who were members of the Greatest Generation. Also, my Great Uncle makes an approximately one or two second appearance in a landing craft LCVP towards the end of the film.

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