Saturday, July 27All That Matters

Darren Helm scores with 5 seconds left to send the Colorado Avalanche to the Western Conference Finals

Darren Helm scores with 5 seconds left to send the Colorado Avalanche to the Western Conference Finals

Darren Helm scores with 5 seconds left to send the Colorado Avalanche to the Western Conference Finals

Darren Helm scores with 5 seconds left to send the Colorado Avalanche to the Western Conference Finals from sports

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  • warrenfgerald

    NHL playoffs are so great. People who like the drama and raw emotion of sports but are not fans of hockey are really missing out.

  • AsaKurai

    Did the same thing during the last power play with 10 seconds left, Blues were caught flat footed both times on defense

  • GodsMistake

    I’m amazed that goalie was even able to make a move on that puck. Took me a couple replays just to see where it hit and I’m fairly sure he had his view of the actual shot completely blocked. He *still* almost got it! But I guess that’s why he gets the big bucks.

  • Operator-rocky1

    Looks like I’m rooting for the Oilers in the west. My team the Hurricanes while yes have game 6 tomorrow, but I feel confident we will win, even if Rangers win tomorrow, but for those who wonder why I want the Oilers to beat the Avs if the Canes move on because they are the only team left that has home ice advantage over us. But still if the Canes make the final it’s pick your poison, give up home ice advantage, or deal with McDavid

  • freshstart102

    Man did thr big dman from the Blues, Parayko struggle tonight. Couldn’t break out of his zone, didn’t hit anybody, mass chaos in the Blues zone seemingly everytime he was on the ice and finally turning sideways instead of trying to block that shot of Helm’s. If you’re going to screen, you have to try to block the shot. Just a brutal night.

  • tutenchharoun

    Why is the NHL going on when the wold cup is still not over? Aren’t some players missing, who are playing for Team USA and Canada?
    (Sorry for stupid question, just got into hockey 3 weeks ago)

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