Wednesday, April 10All That Matters

Dad WWII 1945 Oahu HI.

Served in USN from 41-45. After his cruiser was sunk he landed some duty that he liked more. He used to rave about Oahu citing, all the bananas he could eat. .

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  • sleepingwiththefishs

    ‘A general distaste for war, but a love of service’ is an admirable position to have. Your dad sounds like a stand up fellow.

  • chrisguitars

    Like many of his generation, a man of few words but a keen listener. He was more interested in hearing what you had to say than you hearing him.. My girlfriends always loved him. They said he didn’t talk to them as if they were kids. A lifetime pack a day smoker who occasionally had a beer or two. His main hobbies were riding his bicycle on back roads and chopping wood for the wood stove. He passed away in ’99 at 77.

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