Saturday, May 11All That Matters

Cops arrest stalker who put GPS tracker on girl’s car

Cops arrest stalker who put GPS tracker on girl’s car

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  • TL10

    This guy’s lips are so loose you could ask him for his Social Security Number and he’d ask back, “How fast do you want me to say it?”.

  • jwcolour

    Enjoy the little burn at the end by the cop talking about his keys “You want to hide the keys on it somewhere? I know you have experience hiding things on cars.”

  • The_Turk2

    I understand the video is from 2021 – I’m surprised however that it is at all legal for the police (or whoever) to upload this onto youtube. Unless the people in question (even with blurred faces) agreed to this – but I find that highly unlikely.

  • Rat_Salat

    Obviously this guy is fucked up, but what struck me about this video is it’s a pretty good example of why you don’t talk to cops… especially if you’re guilty.

  • fulthrottlejazzhands

    There was a thread here last week that asked something like “How did you catch your partner cheating?”. A woman posted she went “full spy” and attached a tracker to her BF’s car and started tracking him everywhere because she suspected him of cheating. All of the replies were positive, in the vein of “You go girl”.

    Now, I’m not excusing either of these people’s actions – they’re both messed up. But there is an obvious double standard that this brought to light for me.

  • VPee

    The guy could have just said he knows nothing about it and not self incriminated. Not defending the prick but his level of messed up is so high he thinks what he has done is perfectly okay and has no qualms talking about it.

  • andrey2007

    What is surety bond? How does it work? Do a bail bond company credit the guy with amount of money charged for bail by court?

  • Avachiel

    >I’m a student, this is my one time. Let me go.

    I’m officially using my **one time** to rob a bank. This guy wasted it on stalking.

  • AVBforPrez

    It’ll never make sense to me that stalkers think that their creepy shit is going to somehow get them their girl/guy.

    They hate you so bad they tell you to never contact them again, and their solution is like “I’ll secretly keep track of where she is via GPS, and that will get me in her heart.”

    Honestly it must be some pathological mental illness, except the lie is to themself.

  • frollard

    Geez…so much to unpack.

    Biggest take-away is don’t talk to the police (even friendly officers) about your dealings without legal representation present*. Be pleasant and respectful: be kind…but only make small talk…but do not bury yourself.

    *unless you are a skeevy stalker piece of shit, then by all means go ahead and make investigators’ lives super easy with open-and-shut cases. By all means.

  • ThatWaterAmerican

    Admitted to unlawful surveillance (felony) and stalking unprompted within 10 seconds of meeting a police officer.

    Interesting legal strategy. Let’s see how it pays off.

  • ishtar_the_move

    It is wild you get to read their miranda rights *after* questioning them. Is anything the guy said admissible before his rights were read?

  • Marthwon

    I dated a girl before who had a stalker. It was annoying and freaky. I was always packing heat, though, so I was never really that worried. One time, he waited at her apartment. We were driving to her place, and once I spotted him, I drove away with her in the car. He then followed me as I was on the phone with the police, trying to run me off the road, and later I found out he had threatened to kill me earlier that day from some sources I trusted. It was one of those moments when I was super glad I was carrying a Glock. And yes, I am trained, not some stupid schmuck carrying a gun. She and I both got restraining orders the next day. I don’t understand why men act like this. I think about this encounter from time to time.

  • TBTabby

    She first filed a report about him TWO YEARS AGO. Why did it take them TWO YEARS to catch him when he blabs about everything he’s doing?

  • Important_Screen_530

    well many people seem nice on the surface ,but do evil horrific things to other humans when they get them alone!! like murder/rape…..he is very sly doing that

  • threadsoffate2021

    It’s scary how many tools are out there for stalkers to use against their victims. And terrifying how these people think they’re doing nothing wrong.

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