Saturday, April 20All That Matters

Can someone tell me why I keep claiming games every week on Epic Games that I never play

Can someone tell me why I keep claiming games every week on Epic Games that I never play

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  • Nasssi

    I stopped claiming them a long time ago because I realized if I really wanted to play something I’d just buy it on steam.

  • TheNewTonyBennett

    because you might play them and in the event of “you might play them”, it’s much easier to do so if you actually acquire said thing that you might enjoy later. As opposed to not acquiring it at all.

  • czernoalpha

    Because it’s free, and what’s the harm in free. I’ve actually played some of the games I picked up that way

  • Konigni

    Every now and then I play a game on epic that I totally forgot I had, and I have a blast with it and it makes it absolutely worth it.

    I’m from a country where everything is expensive, so I can’t really just buy games on a whim most of the time, hence the joy of really wanting to play something only to realize I got it for free and didn’t know the game was amazing at the time 🙂

  • e_dan_k

    Occasionally some good co-op ones end up in your library and you can play when your friends want to!

    Overcooked, For The King, Golf With Friends, etc…

  • omgitsaneevee

    Epic Games basically does this a lot, got Doom 64, Bioshock and Fallout New Vegas from them and it was actually a pretty good deal.


    Bit weird but definitely convenient compared to the pretty crappy prices of their Xbox or Steam counterparts especially when you do get a game you like out of it.

  • kdoth_

    You will continue to claim and when your bones return to the earth your first born son will keep on claiming for you and his son after that, so on and so forth for all eternity

  • _welcome

    the kid in you still wants the excitement of playing new games

    the adult in you is tired and never has the energy or already knows what to expect

  • garlicroastedpotato

    You like the idea of free games so you keep claiming them. But you suffer from choice paralysis when it actually comes to playing them. Since they’re free you don’t feel compelled to play them. Whereas a game you spend money on you’ll want to play right away because you want to get your money’s worth.

  • Altyrmadiken

    Fear of missing out. Sometimes known as FOMO.

    I’d argue it’s Epics best gamble so far – by offering something free, even if it’s not always good, you end up in their store at least once a week.

    At the very least this allows them to argue to investors that a huge majority of their users are in the store weekly. While they can’t just lie and say y’all are buying stuff, they can say you’re perusing the store weekly which gives the *impression* of buying stuff. It also just lets them air that publicly, to an extent, and the fact that you’re already there means they can show you sales you might be enticed by.

    You keep showing up to get the free stuff because… well what if it’s a game you *wanted* to play? In that case you’d miss out on a free game that was great. There’s been a few, no one blames you.

    Psychologically, though, it’s a fear of missing out on something. You don’t want to *not* get the thing, so you’ll be sure to show up to do so. Varying levels of impact, of course, like I’ve probably missed about half of them because I have ADHD and forget, but still.

  • adaemman

    You are an old gamer. We stop playing and become collectors. Hoping one day we’ll have the time and energy to finish all those games.

  • thaduck3

    I do it to spite epic, competition is good and all but i prefer a privately held company that cares about its customers than a publicly traded company that only cares about money.

    So I do my weekly duty in the hope of costing epic money. I actually claimed a few games for free on epic and then purchased them on steam if I actually wanted to play them.

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