Wednesday, May 8All That Matters

BLONDE | Official Teaser | Netflix

BLONDE | Official Teaser | Netflix

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  • The_Iceman2288

    Joyce Carol Oates saw a rough cut of this a while back and said

    >”It is startling, brilliant, very disturbing and perhaps most surprisingly an utterly ‘feminist’ interpretation. I’m not sure that any male director has ever achieved anything like this.”

  • Naweezy

    I’m excited for this, I really enjoyed Andrew Dominik’s The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

    And Ana de Darmas is a total babe like Marilyn Monroe and can act. Like in Blade Runner 2049 and Knives Out

  • MySockHurts

    A modern sex symbol playing the original sex symbol. God I can’t wait to see what earned this an NC-17 rating.

    EDIT: So…no T&A?


    Looking forward to this. Joyce Carol Oates’ book is fucking intense. A fictional tale, not a biograpy recapping the events of your life. The book really gives you a sense of what made Monroe tick. Not an easy book to adapt I imagine, either, but Dominik appears to have done a great job.
    EDIT: For clarity.

  • verytallperson1

    Easily my most hyped film of 2022 – I feel like I’ve been waiting for it for half of my life. It remains a real shame Dominik hasn’t been able to put out many films but every one of them slaps and I’ll go to bat for him every time. This could be one of the all timers. So much I’ve read about it makes me very, very excited.

  • Singer211

    I’m quite curious about this. The talk of how crazy it supposedly is, plus the NC-17 rating. It seems like a very bold film if nothing else.

  • BrendanCLittle

    Andrew Dominik is the man. I anticipate this causing a lot of “Twitter controversy” but I’m excited to watch it

  • nayapapaya

    I feel like this will be a real watershed moment for Ana de Armas as an actress. It will either be the thing that really gets everyone to take her seriously as a dramatic actress, although she was the best thing about Blade Runner 2049, or it will be the thing that convinces many that she just doesn’t have the chops. I would be feeling a lot of pressure if I was her.

  • 6373billy

    This is going to be an extremely controversial film. If you don’t know this movie it’s based on a book of fiction. It also is an extremely graphic book with a lot of political innuendo’s and does go down the conspiracy hole in regards to a very particular person in the 1960s.

    I’ll be extremely interested in watching it considering the rating and the reactions so far from it. It looks good and I dare say
    Ana de Armas is going to knock it out of the park. Good trailer but it doesn’t show much, nor could you with the rating. Props to Netflix for taking a huge risk

  • BelgianBond

    If Andrew Dominik’s directing something, it’s worth watching.

    But so far the role seems miscast. Ana De Armas’s voice was miles away from sounding like Monroe’s in that scene. But it was just a few lines, so I’ll be happy to be proved wrong.

  • kthshly

    Looks like I’ve got till September to finally get around to reading the Oates book. I’m excited for the film version.

  • Dowrysess

    This woman will never truly Rest In Peace. It’s not even a biopic, It’s a fictional story based on a (very bad!) disgusting fictional book about Marilyn.

  • Roll_20_for_Charisma

    I finished Oates’ book a few weeks ago, and I highly, HIGHLY recommend it. Absolutely haunting and devastating.

    This teaser gives me goosebumps. Recurring throughout the book Norma’s makeup person helps her get ready for her films, premieres, etc. to basically make “Marilyn” appear. As she falls deeper into depression and drug abuse it becomes more and more challenging to make that happen, and it eats Norma alive. The focus on that one specific thread of the book in this teaser has me VERY, very enthused.

  • littleliongirless

    The book was incredible. JCO has a way of doing fake historical fiction that feels incredibly real and raw, specifically My Sister, My Love, based on JonBenet Ramsey, and Blonde, which having read several MM and other biographies of the time, is incredibly informed fiction.

  • Thatone_dumbshit

    Her facial expressions in the teaser alone are absolutely incredible. Can’t wait to see De Armas and Dominik kill it

  • xbarsigma

    I’m really really excited for this. Joyce Carol Oates’ novel is an absolute masterpiece. But I hope they can capture some of the magic. The novel does such a good job of being incredibly touching but deeply unsettling as a story, or set of stories, that you’re primed not to believe but still can’t help but think could be true.

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