Thursday, July 11All That Matters

BILL HICKS on CapZeyeZ cable show, regarding foreign policy and more (with Philip Marshall)

BILL HICKS on CapZeyeZ cable show, regarding foreign policy and more (with Philip Marshall)

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  • boogersonsteve

    Bill Hicks may be the only comedian who has never told a single joke. Is his stuff interesting? Sure. Funny? Not at all.

  • buymytoy

    Gone too soon. Bill Hicks was and is a legend. A true sayer with a wit to match. Looking at the other comments here and just taking a peek at the world at large it’s probably for the best he’s not around anymore. No place for a man like Hicks in todays world.

  • Cayvmann

    Can’t keep on putting out that puerile crap 24/7??? Challenge accepted and carried on by modern media.


    Sorry Bill we went back to sleep

  • nodnodwinkwink

    Apparently it was recorded in October 1993. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June 1993 and you can see it’s already taken it’s toll on him with the weight loss apparent in his face.

    He would die around 4 months later in Feb 1994.

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