Tuesday, April 23All That Matters

Beef 101: Every Cut of Meat, Explained

Beef 101: Every Cut of Meat, Explained

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  • altai779

    As a commercial meat cutter in urban Canada I have to give props to this video, a lot of my customers have no idea what any of the names/nomenclature of meat mean which is becoming normal these days. This video was nearly spot on for everything, some locally based names that most of us wont likely see in our grocery stores but the ideas the same.

    There’s a lot more to separating these cuts than it seems and each section would be nearly due an entire video in its own to show but if anyone is interested the Bearded Butchers have some good videos on full cow/pig breakdowns.

    Here is the [1 hour long cow video for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/wazg6u3ESco)

    Everyone should know where their meat is coming from and speaking from experience, be demanding higher quality and care.

  • mayorjimmy

    I was just listening to a random playlist in Spotify and Rodeo: V. Hoe Down by Aaron Copland popped up. All I could think is “Beef, it’s what’s for dinner.”

    The beauty of that is that I’m willing to bet most if not all of you can read what I just wrote and immediately without even looking the song up know what piece of music I’m talking about.

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