Tuesday, April 23All That Matters

Any one ready to feel old? Xbox One came out in 2013. 9 years ago!

Any one ready to feel old? Xbox One came out in 2013. 9 years ago!

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  • NaditzuKokoro

    I’m old enough to remember vaguely playing Super Mario Brothers 3, and some here probably had an Atari as teens or adults lol so 9 years doesn’t really make me feel too old. I think I was closer to High School Graduation than I wasn’t when the original Xbox came out

  • dq1993

    I still have a day one Xbox running strong but occasionally sounds like 66 Chevy when loading apps. I can’t imagine the amount of dog hair in that s.o.b.

  • mitsurugi78

    I had a coleco vision, and my uncle gave me an original pong system…had two knobs you twist with 3 game modes, tennis/hockey and something else but they’re all basically just pong. That was all it played and in black and white. After those came Atari, Nintendo, genesis and all the others 🙂

  • fourdac

    I was such a gaming kid growing up and I didn’t even have a passing interest in the Xbox one. I overdid it when I was young lol.

  • overslide666

    And to think new xbox comes every 6 or 7 years. 1/3 of that time had already passed and its not even available to everyone one yet 😛

  • EitherStonedOrAtWork

    I worked as a zombie at the NY launch event. Macklemore and Lewis played, that’s how long ago it was.

  • mrmivo

    I often feel pretty old (I started with an Atari 2600 when I was ten!), but 9 years ago just seems like yesterday. I’ve never had an Xbox, though. Only a 2600, PS1, PSP, Vita, Switch, PS5. Oh, and a bunch of DS and 3DS handhelds. Just computers outside of those.

  • c0pp3rdrag0n

    And what exactly have we done with our lives in that time. Feels like I spent most of it in COVID lockdown.

  • rosekisshug

    Omg! I remember putting a payment down before they came out and I still missed out on the first shipment in my state. But we eventually got it. I remember a year or so in it wouldn’t accept any CDS so you would Have to insert the disk but hold onto it for a second wallet tries to pull it in

  • HotFightingHistory

    Hehehe I remember excitedly firing up Pong on a Christmas morning looooong ago, so yes I do feel old thanks 🙂

  • Soulshroude

    If that makes you feel old, I had my first game of pong for the Atari 2600 and Artillery DOS game for my old ass Amiga Computer.

  • Sines314

    As someone who only ever owned an XBOX and XBOX 360, the idea that this ‘newfangled’ XBOX I’ve never owned is 9 years old is bizarre to me.

  • phantomfigure

    I’m 51. My first console was the Intellivision II in 1984. My mother spent most of her savings to get it for me and my brother because she had to buy a used TV to play it on too. My dad had just left us at that point.

    Now I’m a PC gamer on Steam and [here is my current top 5.](https://imgur.com/a1hnO8E)

    Games have always been something that has enriched my life. Thank you OP for posting this. I hope that xbox has enriched your life and you continue on with that for a long time.

  • GhostalMedia

    Ahh, the Xbox dark years. Expensive, mandatory Kinect, clock speed limited for PiP steaming over games. So many weird decisions that completely knee capped their momentum from the 360 days.

  • Flipout_Monkey

    I’m tempted to downvote you for making me feel old, but I guess I should be glad that my one is still running without issue!

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