Tuesday, April 23All That Matters

Animation of how your cells organize, copy, and control DNA

Animation of how your cells organize, copy, and control DNA

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  • ledow

    I would also recommend watching Our Secret Universe: The Hidden Life of the Cell.

    Same quality of animation, a bit simpler explanation, and the narrative of a virus invading one cell in your body and the defences and consequences.

    The human body, and the basic cell, are incredible machines.

  • hanzzz123

    This entire process happens pretty quickly, and is happening more or less across your body millions of times. Biochemistry is fascinating

  • tek2222

    why do these strains not tangle, is this different physics at that scale, or are the molecules resistant to build big knots ?


    It’s utterly incredible that this type of sophistication is even possible at such a scale. Not only that, but it has been working successfully for millions (possibly billions) of years. Every single animal on Earth has this going on under its skin. That’s just…mind-blowing.

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