Sunday, April 7All That Matters

And still it’s his fault

And still it’s his fault

And still it’s his fault
by u/Quiet-Luck in funny

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  • Ambitioso

    Of course!
    “You fall and I’ll catch you…” should have been, “You fall BACKWARDS and I’ll catch you…”

  • tigerCELL

    Usually I don’t mind these fake teektaks but this one is particularly unfunny and weird. Tooktuk influencers need new writers.

  • OutinDaBarn

    I was impressed she kept her arms out the whole time.

    That wig looked like a drowned mink or something lol The whole thing was better with the sound off.

  • trojohnman

    This one doesn’t really strike me as fake. Like, I definitely can tell when tiktok skits are fake, but this one in particular didn’t strike me as fake when watching. Nothing about their tone or actions strike me as fake. She had all her makeup did and her weave on (weaves aren’t cheap), and she was aptly upset about falling in the water and getting all messed up. His reaction seems genuine, too. It was pretty funny, and it seemed like they were comfortable enough and had normal relationship banter. I feel like that’s how my girlfriend would react. And it’s totally plausible that she assumed that she would be falling in the water, and he was just being the dumb guy going along with what she said. The conversation could have gone something like this:

    Girlfriend: “Let’s go have a photoshoot, where we’re doing a trust fall!” (She’s thinking about some TikTok or IG Reel that she saw with some influencer couple in front of a lake)

    Boyfriend: Sure, whatever you want, baby! (He’s only half listening, and he assumes by ‘trust fall’ she means the traditional sense, like you and me think, not whatever influencer trend or whatever the girl saw)

    *They get to the lake*

    Boyfriend: “Why do we have to be by the lake for the photoshoot?”

    Girlfriend: “Why do you always have to complain about whatever I want to do? Just get ready to take the video!”

    Boyfriend: “Okay, sheesh! Whatever.”

    *Then, the events of the video ensue*

    Does this not seem plausible to anyone else? Maybe I’m missing something. Could someone ELI5 why this seems fake?

  • nurupartnerhtx

    I usually call fake or staged too, but the way she hits the water is telling. If it was fake, she would know she was going to hit something and would brace herself. Didn’t happen here.

  • Recent_Detective_306

    I don’t care if it’s fake or not, and imo, I honestly don’t think it is. Maybe she was high af and didn’t comprehend the assignmen🤣😅.

    Regardless, I absolutely love these two, and wish them the absolute best life together, just working it out with love and laughter, everywhere they go.

  • MahBucketz

    Man these comments. Do y’all watch sitcoms and tell everyone that they’re not real?? If it’s funny; laugh and move on. If not? Then keep moving on. Lol jeeze

  • Derkastan77

    The old riddle: “If a Man speaks in the woods, and there is no Woman to hear him… is he still wrong?”

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