Tuesday, July 16All That Matters

Anastasia, Tatiana, Olga, and Maria, daughters of Nicholas II of Russia, proudly showing their bald heads, 1917

Anastasia, Tatiana, Olga, and Maria, daughters of Nicholas II of Russia, proudly showing their bald heads, 1917

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  • Consthug

    It was Olga’s idea (the eldest daughter) to remove their hat for this photo, to surprise their french tutor Pierre Gilliard, who took the photo. That’s probably why her smile is the broadest.

    Pierre Gilliard’s diary: Friday, June 22nd – As the Grand-Duchesses were losing all their hair as the result of their illness, their heads have been shaved. When they go out in the park they wear scarves arranged so as to conceal the fact. Just as I was going to take their photographs, at a sign from Olga Nicolaievna they all suddenly removed their headdress. I protested, but they insisted, much amused at the idea of seeing themselves photographed like this, and looking forward to seeing the indignant surprise of their parents. Their good spirits reappear from time to time in spite of everything. It is their exuberant youth.

  • OcularConk

    I always get really sad when I see pictures of Nicholas II and his family. It just felt so unnecessary to kill them.

    And the way it was done, just horrible.

  • darkpnkx

    Heer’s a downer.The series of photos with shaved heads were later used to identify the skeletons of the fmily post-revolution.

  • Peabella

    Poor Tatiana had to shave her head for a second time, she had it cropped extremely short for a bout of typhoid fever she caught in 1913. Her hair grew out into a stylish cropped cut that we see in her most famous portraits from 1913, celebrating the tercententary of Romanov rule. It was their last “happy” year before the world war descended the next summer of 1914

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