Tuesday, April 23All That Matters

A very cheerful Japanese woman carrying three huge tawara (rice straw bags) filled with charcoal on what appears to be a lonely country road. c.1890.

A very cheerful Japanese woman carrying three huge tawara (rice straw bags) filled with charcoal on what appears to be a lonely country road. c.1890.

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  • RoastedStormtrooper

    This sub has basically become

    *EDIT: So apparently the subreddit that I didn’t even know existed until I made this comment is now banned. This sub is now your one stop shop for all old school boobs. It’s a complete classical breast monopoly over here.

  • oceansunset83

    I won’t comment on the boob, but I can’t imagine those packs on her back aren’t light. If she doesn’t have a child nearby, carrying that stuff could have also opened her kimono.

  • Effehezepe

    And if you’re one of the small percentage of nerds like me who were wondering, no, Tarawa Atoll is not named after tawara bags, it comes from the Kirabati word for passage, and already had had that name for a while before the Japanese showed up.


    Hey I think I may actually be able to preempt a question on here.

    To anyone wondering about her teeth- It was in style at the time for women to stain their teeth black; a practice called ohaguro. Usually married women of some means engaged in this practice, though it was not uncommon for men and women both to do it regardless of marital status much longer ago than the Meiji era. It helped to preserve teeth by lacquering them, and those who could spend the time to keep their teeth as black as possible showed their higher societal status.

  • Nature_Dweller

    Wanted to let you all know that it was completely normal back in those days for women to take off their shirts when they were hot. It was natural, not considered indecent. They were just hot and needed to cool off. Just like men take their shirts off. I wish I could take mine off sometimes but in Southern USA that’s a no no.

  • dear_deer_dear

    As someone who has worked farm labor and carried heavy shit in the sun, I can say from experience sometimes you just gotta air dem tiddies out

  • niktemadur

    Don’t get distracted and keep your eyes on the prize: that’s some striking clothing she’s wearing, I can’r remember ever seeing anything like it before.

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