Thursday, July 4All That Matters

A new cycling viaduct in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (It just took 8 weeks to finish it)

A new cycling viaduct in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands (It just took 8 weeks to finish it)

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  • yognautilus

    I wish more towns in America put infrastructure in place supporting cycling. I would gladly cycle 40 minutes to work over my usual 15 if it didn’t involve cycling on a highway.

  • SimplyBilly

    So 8 weeks for second viaduct to completion.. It was like 8 years in planning + execution, and also relied on the first viaduct being completed a year or so before.

    It is great they reconstructed a roundabout in ~8 weeks (not including the first viaduct), but it definitely took much longer than that in general to plan and execute.

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