Monday, April 22All That Matters

A kid finds a plot hole in Full House and investigates it 16 years later

A kid finds a plot hole in Full House and investigates it 16 years later

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  • theatxrunner

    If we’re looking for plot holes, the layout of that house is pretty insane. Like When they just magically have a massive attic including nursery for Jesse and Rebecca to move into. At least three bedrooms and a bath upstairs, some kind of recessed room Joey lives in, a basement big enough for a full studio, and a garage???

  • MutantOverlord

    This is gratuitous, grotesque padding and it’s not entertaining enough to justify the runtime. The video doesn’t really start until about 3:20.

    TL;DW: Uncle Jessie said he was about to graduate high school tomorrow in one episode and then said he was a dropout in another episode.

  • -SalsaShark-

    …So by all known definitions of the word boss i.e. one with authority over another in nine of eleven known possible fields in which one might teach, employ, guide, oversee and or otherwise hold dominion, the empirically provable answer to the question, “Who’s the Boss?” is …?

  • P_Buddy

    Well you could argue that Jesse finds out that he didn’t graduate due to grades either on graduation day or post graduation day which is not uncommon. He then later decides to drop out instead of taking another year of high school? I would argue in his youthful arrogance this is a quite plausible scenario.

  • oldmonty

    I don’t understand how this is a plot hole?

    “I’m graduating tomorrow – what are they going to do expel me?”

    Said while doing something worthy of explusion.

    20 years later –

    “I never graduated high school…”

    It’s kind of like-

    “What are you going to do stab me?”
    -quote from man who was stabbed

    I don’t see this as a plot hole, he was expelled that day and is paying the price as an adult for being a rebel as a teenager.

    It also could have just been hyperbole – “I’m graduating tomorrow” could mean it’s only a few weeks away instead of the literal next day.

  • MyUsernameIsAwful

    Are we not even going to talk about how Jesse’s last name inexplicably changes from Cochran to Katsopolis between seasons one and two? I’d call that a bigger plot hole than this, his family members even change casting and characterization to be more Greek lol.

    I wouldn’t even call this a plot hole necessarily, since it’s possible to write your way out of it. What if Jesse *was* expelled the day of graduation?

    It was a good video though!

  • savvyxxl

    He said I’m gonna graduate tomorrow. Where does it say he did??…… maybe it came up he was credits short and would have to repeat and he dropped out instead. This isn’t the plot hole you think it is

  • sonofaresiii

    Well this is *super* easily explainable. It’s one of the most explainable plotholes I’ve ever seen, and actually parallels the real world.

    Uncle Jessie is in high school. He thinks he’s going to graduate with solid C’s. He starts blowing off his classes to jam with the band.

    He shows up for graduation. They tell him “Dude you’re not graduating, you haven’t been to class in weeks. We dropped you from the student list, and you failed almost all of your classes.”

    Therefore, Uncle Jessie both thought he was going to graduate, *and also* is a high school dropout.

    And what’s more is this is *exactly* the kind of mistake you’d expect someone to make, who blows off their classes to go jam with the band.

  • mr_mcsonsteinwitz

    There’s another plothole that spans two series… Serieses? Seriesi? Eh… Any road! In Fuller House, there’s a throwaway joke where DJ references cleaning out the attic and finding a Steve Urkel doll… except that Steve exists in-universe as Steve Urkel. He came to San Fran to visit his cousin during the original run of Full House and helped Stephanie feel better about wearing glasses. How can he exist as both a person and as a character from Family Matters? Which is it, Full House?

  • shanthology

    Can we talk about in Golden Girls we find out in a later episode how Rose’s boyfriend Miles Weber is in the witness protection program and they very clearly state that you can’t be in contact with friends or family. However in an earlier episode he is visited by his daughter.

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