Wednesday, April 17All That Matters

A co-worker went on a week-long business trip and came back to find their cubicle like this. Compliments of the sales rep across from him.

A co-worker went on a week-long business trip and came back to find their cubicle like this. Compliments of the sales rep across from him.

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  • blizzy3

    I only make that comment because I’m a sales rep. If it was my best guy at work I know he’d help me fix it. But if a random did that…

  • questertx

    A few years ago I made the same mistake. A whole week of vacation…. My company also rcvd the wrong TP that week. So they wrapped my entire cube in an industrial sized pack of 1 ply toilet paper.

    They wrapped everything. Each pen and pencil was individually wrapped. Everything on my cluttered desk and everything in my desk drawers and then the whole cube was wrapped. Took me days to undo it all, but it was pretty funny.

  • Randomaccount4222

    Did this to my buddy at the hospital I used to work at when he was out sick for a week. Replaced his monitors with really outdated ones, replaced his mouse with an old ball mouse, changed his keyboard from a $100 gaming keyboard to a washable ER keyboard, changed his chair to be extremely leaned forwards and to max height (hes short so his feet dangled), piled a ton of boxes on his desk and then covered the entire thing in caution tape.

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