Monday, July 15All That Matters

30 Rock with Seinfeldvision predicted the future of deepfaking actors

30 Rock with Seinfeldvision predicted the future of deepfaking actors

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  • RuneofBeginning

    30 Rock is one of those shows with a joke a minute. The writers on that show knew some shit was going down in Hollywood and politically. They snuck so much into the writing.

  • CapnSmite

    Hardly a bold prediction. There were advertisements resurrecting dead people to hock their products almost as soon as the VFX tech got advanced enough.

    Here’s Fred Astaire in a vacuum ad from 1995 (wouldn’t be surprised if there are even older examples I’m unaware of or forgot about):

    Sure, it’s not a deepfake, but it’s not a huge leap in logic to go from “repurposing old footage” to “creating new, faked footage” as technology advanced.

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