Thursday, May 9All That Matters

2023 It’s still feels peaceful

2023 It’s still feels peaceful

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  • ericlandry7

    This will forever be the best world I’ve even been a part of. The changing landscapes, the music, the diverse species, the vastness that seems never ending. Unfortunately after 10 play throughs, I can never get as emotionally involved as I used to. But I will always feel some type of way.

  • STJ41

    I am thinking that maybe getting an Elder Scrolls 6 is too risky. Based on what Bethesda and game devs in general have done lately with their most valuable franchises, it may ruin the Elder Scrolls.

    I am afraid that the next game ends like Fallout 76 or something like that. Maybe if we just have an Skyrim remake? But a good one, where they really make it look like next gen, adding the new technologies like RT and DLSS/FSR, and even adding extra interactions and missions and content in general to make it feel like a worthy remake.

    Idk, just a random thought.

  • iCyanVortex

    I came back and found myself in a sex dungeon.. I’m not sure what my past self did but I dont remember calling it vault 69 as well. I’m lost.

  • Abyteparanoid

    Did you know that right as you git off the carage but before hadvar speaks to you you can save the game so you don’t have to go through the whole ride next time?

  • Fangscale40K

    Not too long ago, after I’ve sunk over a thousand hours of Skyrim, I decided to just play through & actually beat the story & DLCs after more than 10 years.

    It was quite underwhelming lmao. Love Skyrim though.

    EDIT: Oh, I did actually beat Dawnguard, but the vanilla main quest & Dragonborn I finished for the first time.

  • Ransei024

    This image is the subreddit in a nutshell. Post a picture of a place in a game. “Wow, game is so pretty” getting a shit ton of upvotes. Probably uninstall later without even playing the game.

    The image is legit in the first small city. Riverwood. You get there in what? 20 minutes in the game? Maybe even less?

    Also Markarth is by far the most beautiful city in the game.

  • FlameShadow0

    God I just want the next game to come out

    I loved and still love Skyrim as much as the next guy but you can only mod the game so much before you realize you are playing the same game and doing the same things the same way over and over

  • Azduffer

    I can hear this photo. I can also hear the vibe being messed up by the Dovakhin theme song as a dragon starts clipping through the trees to kill a chicken

  • Nixher

    I swear to god all I do is reinstall this once every few months, mod the shit out of it, tweak display settings for 2 hours, start a new char and play for about an hour doing no quests, just looking at the scenery.

  • realiztik

    Skyrim was on sale for Switch last week and I bought again, and it’s a little like going back home. So much of its familiar, but there’s so much I missed the first time around (I don’t think I ever once walked on the paths in 2012), not even including all the DLC I never had. And being able to take it on the train with me has just been awesome.

  • Blue_Maverick_Hunter

    All the memes aside this is game is fucking legit. At 34 years old I can still boot it up and get lost in Tamriel for 6 to 8 hours. If only Bethesda would release some info on ESVI though…

  • RedshiftWarp

    I feel like Skyrim has this weird tint to all the colors. Its really throwing me off lately.

    Kinda like how any time there is a movie scene in Mexico we get that yellow-tint to let us know we are in Mexico.

  • SaberAimerWave

    I recently got Skyrim the Anniversary edition on Switch, mybfirst time ever playing Skyrim and I absolutely love it so far. I just got done fighting and killing a dragon with the Riverwood inn lady.

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