Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

13 500 guns handed in Serbia after the country’s 2 mass shooting

13 500 guns handed in Serbia after the country’s 2 mass shooting

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  • Madmungo

    A different picture than was shared this morning on Reddit as there were loads of break barrel air rifles right at the front. These ones seem a bit more serious.

  • Nice-Fish-50

    As an American, that doesn’t seem like a whole lot. That’s the inventory of one Cabella’s, more or less.

  • Unique_Engineering_3

    I guess they’ll never have ANOTHER civil war and genocide. Nope… Everything is fixed and everyone is all hugs and rainbows now.

  • MayOrMayNotBePie

    Obviously it’s impossible, but I’d be really interested to see how many of these surrendered guns would have been used in a crime had they not been surrendered.

    I need some kind of alternate reality device.

  • crujones43

    What is really impressive about this is that Serbia / Yugoslavia has historically been in conflict for hundreds of years. In fact when the Bosnian civil war started in the 90’s the only ones with weapons in Sarajevo were the gangs and they did a lot of the initial defense. One of my jobs as a UN peacekeeper there was to seize weapons and they did not part with them happily. If any country had an excuse to hold on to their guns you would think it was one in civil war in just the last 25 years. Good for them for not having a sexual fetish and / or heroin like addiction to guns like the USA has.

  • Swagaru

    The kind of person who turns in their guns willingly, isn’t the same kind of person who is going around committing mass murders.

  • dratx

    We have about 800.000 firearms in legal posession in serbia. Ilegal, who knows…. So this here pictured 13.500 is like 1% or less

  • lllNico

    leave it to the americans to look at this and say „ha thats nothing we have way more guns“ and completely miss the point of the whole thing.

  • Conscious-Warning-83

    I’m a Serb and this situation was pretty scary. Serbs have been in wars for many many years and quite recently too. Every house probably has a unlicensed gun, and since the
    school shooting they have given a time period to give up their unlicensed guns without any consequences.

  • snave_

    Getting some serious late 90s end of the nightly TV news broadcast in Australia nostalgia. I mean, I can practically _hear_ this photo (it sounds like the musical fanfare they play on a news broadcast).

  • FormOverFucktion

    Someone tell China to do this with knives so all those people can come back.

    33 Dead, 130 Injured in China Knife-Wielding Spree

    A series of uncoordinated mass stabbings, hammer attacks, and cleaver attacks in the People’s Republic of China began in March 2010.

    Jun 9, 2021 — Over the weekend, six people were killed and 14 injured after a knife-wielding man stabbed passersby on a pedestrian shopping street in the …

    It’s almost like maybe mental health is the issue and arms just scare the governments of the world.

  • h455566hh

    Government blame honest gun owners for it’s inability to provide accessible health care for mentally ill people.

  • Mcrski88

    That’s because half of their country isn’t sexually attracted to their guns. I don’t know if my neighbor would rather lose his house, leave the GOP, or give up his guns.

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