Sunday, June 9All That Matters

10 Month Update! Permanent Burn-In OLEDs & QD-OLED Monitors

10 Month Update! Permanent Burn-In OLEDs & QD-OLED Monitors

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  • thisisanamesoitis

    Someone posted a link to this Youtube channel ages ago and I’ve been subscribed since. I have found this entire testing campaign so fascinating.

  • derprondo

    Posting this comment from a C9 I bought in early 2020. It currently has 8500 hours on it, and no burn-in in sight. I use it for a PC monitor, games, and normal TV stuff, but I don’t really take any precautions against burn-in. So anyway I think LG made huge strides in fixing the issues since the C7 series.

  • neverendingchalupas

    I have a samsung non smart plasma t.v. from 2012 that has a better picture than most t.v.s currently on the market and no burn in after constant use. Its been an awesome t.v.

    If they made the same t.v. in 4k resolution Id buy it right now over any other t.v., the only consideration might be the power use and its weight.

    I really wish they never stopped making and improving on plasma t.v.s

  • skippyMETS

    Her accent is so weird. She’s trying to speak without a southern accent but it ends up sounding like she’s choking on her spit on certain words.

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