January 31, 2022 by rosseepoo Young actors Eljah Wood and Scarlett Johansson in 1993 [ad_2] View Reddit by rosseepoo – View Source
Why do I feel like that this is a Photoshop? She looks almost the exact same as she does now. January 31, 2022 at 3:32 pm Reply
Cute kids; can def see them becoming Disney stars or kid actors in a small, indie type movie. But I could never see them in say a major franchise, tent pole type movie January 31, 2022 at 5:03 pm Reply
Hard to believe one would grow up to be an enduring Hollywood sex symbol and the other one would get to star in the Avengers movies. January 31, 2022 at 5:43 pm Reply
It’s so weird how all these celebrities/movie stars grew up together January 31, 2022 at 5:50 pm Reply
Everyone says she was more attractive when she was younger but I don’t know I’m just not seeing it January 31, 2022 at 6:23 pm Reply
I came to see the inevitable dumpster fire that would be a neck beard commenting on how scarlet was hot even as a 9 year old. I’m disappointed I didn’t see it. Yet at the same time relieved it wasn’t there. January 31, 2022 at 6:46 pm Reply
Knowing what we know now about Hollywood, the horrors these kids must have been subjected to. January 31, 2022 at 7:56 pm Reply
So she’s 9 and he’s 13? This might be before 1993. Or they may be late bloomers. January 31, 2022 at 8:11 pm Reply
You a bot op? All you seem to post is re-post. Also suspiciously high karma January 31, 2022 at 10:11 pm Reply
That’s the face of a boy that has or would one day soon throw Macauley Culkin off of a cliff January 31, 2022 at 10:44 pm Reply
Why do I feel like that this is a Photoshop? She looks almost the exact same as she does now.
The last time he was taller than a co-star!
They kind of look like bro and sis.
Those pink overalls are fucking awesome!
Like Scarlett, I too was 9 years old in 1993.
Did they ever make it big one wonders…
He hasn’t gotten any taller I guess
from the movie North (1994) Directed by Rob Reiner
He looks older there then he does now
Cute kids; can def see them becoming Disney stars or kid actors in a small, indie type movie.
But I could never see them in say a major franchise, tent pole type movie
Elijah Wood looked older when he ws younger.
You mean the privileged are all related somehow..!? Big surprise..
Their faces are so symmetrical it’s almost uncanny
Hard to believe one would grow up to be an enduring Hollywood sex symbol and the other one would get to star in the Avengers movies.
It’s so weird how all these celebrities/movie stars grew up together
Everyone says she was more attractive when she was younger but I don’t know I’m just not seeing it
That’s so adorable! Are they still friends?
I came to see the inevitable dumpster fire that would be a neck beard commenting on how scarlet was hot even as a 9 year old.
I’m disappointed I didn’t see it. Yet at the same time relieved it wasn’t there.
Knowing what we know now about Hollywood, the horrors these kids must have been subjected to.
So she’s 9 and he’s 13? This might be before 1993. Or they may be late bloomers.
Woah, it’s like mini versions of them
Nah, that guys too old to be Elijah wood.
You a bot op? All you seem to post is re-post. Also suspiciously high karma
That’s the face of a boy that has or would one day soon throw Macauley Culkin off of a cliff
Hoo wow. Her looks never changed much.
I literally choked when I saw this!! What an adorable photo!!!