What video games had your favorite endings? Here are mine.
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What video games had your favorite endings? Here are mine.
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Devil may cry 5, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Spider Man, Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, Entry point
Final fantasy x, bio shock infinite, grandia come to mind
*greatest ending ever*
if you know… you know
Man the shadow of the colossus ending was raw as hell.
Xenogears, FF8, Suikoden 1&2, Vagrant Story
The ending to Ori and the Will of the Wisps had me crying hard.
Minecraft, FNAF security breach
Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons might be the first time I remember crying at a game.
God, Shadow of the Colossus had such a wild ending
Sotc had a fucking weird ending. For me Gta 5 the ending were you decide too kill all your enemies. Just the scene were michael trevor and franklin walk away and the sun sets is so good.
Silent hill shattered memories and 2.
Few games have produced an experience like that.
I liked Arkham Knight. It was ambiguous enough to not feel like an ending but still closure.
I got to look up a tutorial on earth bound the first enemy in the game you see just annihilated me i was like “ i took a break from dark souls and hard games to relax what the heck is this
Mafia 1
Spider-Man, Max Payne 2 and 3, GTA 4, Arkham knight. The last of us , Jedi fallen order
Yakuza 6
Mass Effect 1 and 2
Suikoden 2 and Shadow of War
Nier automata’s credits.
The Last of Us, Brothers, SOMA, Firewatch, Telltale’s Walking Dead (Season one) all come back to me from time to time.
Black Ops 1 is one of my favorites .. realization that Mason basically killed in Rebirth Island facility everyone by himself was insane
Halo Reach, World at War
Rdr2, fucking brought me to tears
Prey (2017) would be my favorite.
Wich ending of Omori?
Tales of Eternia, my all time favourite.
Final Fantasy X
Mark of the Ninja
Nier Automata
Bioshock 2: Minerva’s Den
The last of Us
Sonic Adventure 2
Metroid prime 3