Wednesday, July 17All That Matters

Well, they call me Sweetness And I like to dance. Runnin’ the ball is like makin’ romance. … We didn’t come here to look for trouble – We just come here to do The Super Bowl Shuffle. 1985

Well, they call me Sweetness And I like to dance. Runnin’ the ball is like makin’ romance. … We didn’t come here to look for trouble – We just come here to do The Super Bowl Shuffle. 1985

Well, they call me Sweetness And I like to dance. Runnin’ the ball is like makin’ romance. … We didn’t come here to look for trouble – We just come here to do The Super Bowl Shuffle. 1985

Well, they call me Sweetness And I like to dance. Runnin’ the ball is like makin’ romance. … We didn’t come here to look for trouble – We just come here to do The Super Bowl Shuffle. 1985 from OldSchoolCool

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