Wednesday, August 21All That Matters

UK doctor switches to ULTRA-procecessed diet for 30 days as an experiment.

UK doctor switches to ULTRA-procecessed diet for 30 days as an experiment.

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  • Calgray

    This topic has been chewed and spit out for years now. Processed food = bad. Those choosing to continue eating like this are willfully ignorant.

  • RedAndDead

    I’m very skeptical of the weigh-in at the end. 6.5 kg in a month amounts to ~50,000 excess calories consumed or an additional 1,670 calories per day on top of what he usually eats. The average person would regularly hurl if they had to eat that much extra on a daily basis and yet he says he only ate when he was hungry.

    Also, the “after” photo shows him with poor posture and lighting compared to the before to make it appear less flattering.

    Although I agree with the message, that people be more conscious of their food choices, this doesn’t accurately reflect what would happen to you over the course of a month of eating shitty.

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