Tidal Surge hitting Santa Cruz California this morning from the Volcano Eruption in Tonga
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Tidal Surge hitting Santa Cruz California this morning from the Volcano Eruption in Tonga
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It doesn’t look that extraordinary, but that’s from a volcano erupting 5,300 miles away, a similar distance as SF to London.
Oh, the humanity!
Anyone heard from Japan and Hawaii lately?
Its a small planet..
This is why I don’t live near a coast.
inundación masiva
everyone: 2021 was the worst year ever
2022: allow me to introduce myself
Happens occasionally.
March 11, 2011 Japanese Earthquake (Tsunami)
9.0-magnitude earthquake off the coast of Japan generated a massive tsunami that tore across the Pacific causing approximately $20 million in damage to the Santa Cruz Harbor. Santa Cruz Sentinel Tsunami article.
A nerd friend living in Minnesota has a barometer he is datalogging at high resolution because he’s that kind of guy and he picked up the pressure wave from that volcano in his charts.
Nothing to do with tides. This was a Tsunami.
That’s the most laid back tsunami I have ever seen. Figures.
The world is a small place
[Gif of the eruption taken from a satellite](https://i.imgur.com/N6LvW8f.mp4)
How long did it take to reach NA?
Why is this video in slow motion? Play it at 150% to view original speed.
At least this happened on the weekend so you have time to deal with it. Would suck for it to happen on Monday and you have to go to work.
That’s not a tidal wave if it was caused by a volcanic eruption. Tidal waves are due to tides, and tides are due to gravity between the earth, moon, and sun (or other celestial object).
All these waterfront properties just got an early taste of their future prospects thanks to climate-change rising ocean levels.
Wonder how many extra places will go on the market in the months ahead.
1-3 feet of sea level rise ladies and gentlemen
Aweee it’s a little baby tsunami.
Having seen tsunami videos, I would never film a surge like this from the same level as the water.
i live about a half mile from the harbor and didn’t get the tsunami alert, but people i know in east bay did. shrug.
if you were an ant that would be traumatic. R-Run!!
It’s a tsunami; nothing to do with the tides. Thankfully, it’s not horribly destructive, but it’s still a tsunami.
Wild. I drove the entire PCH today from SF to Oregon and didn’t notice anything extraordinary. Some rough waves near Mendocino but nothing extraordinary.
Not a tidal surge. Tides pertain to gravity swells created by the moon and sun. This was a result of a tsunami
Will there be any weird and wonderful stuff washing up around the beaches?
#Laughs in Bay of Fundy on the daily