Sunday, May 19All That Matters

Thoughts on Outer Worlds?

Thoughts on Outer Worlds?

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  • OfficeWorm

    I bought Outer Wilds by mistake 2 years ago and that game was a masterpiece. I still think about it all the time. Then I bought Outer Worlds and glad I made the first mistake.

  • Mekoehouve

    If you’re a fan of Fallout, I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s got a fallout 3/new vegas feel to it. Lots of dialog options and replay ability. I actually just fired it up last week and started a Rick Sanchez esq play through.

  • MclaurinPCBuilds

    Honestly, my first impressions of this game were so bad I almost didn’t want to finish playing it. The Salt Factory on YT made a review that sums it up almost perfectly.

    I came in expecting a modern Fallout New Vegas set in space, but in reality, this game can be best described as Borderlands without the smooth gunplay or humor. At one point my opinion of the game was so low I considered it mobile-game tier gameplay.

    But after a couple of weeks away from the title I started a new playthrough with a different level of expectations. Just to experience the story and not get too caught up in its many shortcomings.

    I decided to play into the companion related skills and worry less about min/maxing my characters personal stats, and there’s definitely something here. I don’t think Obsidian quite accomplished what they may have been going for, but the game just seems so close to being phenomenal.

  • Elegant_Spot_3486

    I had a lot of fun with it. Shorter than I hoped for though. I don’t get caught up in people bashing games or comparisons or what isn’t in it, I just try to enjoy any game I play and I did so with this game. Liked the fact I could kill pretty much anyone.

  • bideodames

    I really liked it. I liked the setting and a characters and a length and the fact that the moving and shooting aren’t a janky mess like fallout New Vegas. The graphics are really good I just really liked it

  • MclaurinPCBuilds

    My first playthrough that I feel good about I went +3 INT, PER, and DET with a focus on companions, since they are my favorite part of the game and make it seem less empty. I decided to use the starting armor (hibernation set) to up the difficulty a little bit and create an emphasis on teamwork with the companions.

    Well, I got the perk that makes crits/weakspot shots have a 25% chance to reset companion abilities and now combat is a joke, but I’m still having fun.

  • BeasleysKneeslis

    It’s really fun for the first 4-5 hours, then it just begins to feel very meh. Just not depth to the story or exploring. Your companions are probably the most interesting part, but even their side missions felt tedious.

    I finished the game around when it came out – and I have no memory how it ended.

  • AlternativeTone4950

    Not great. I played it once and had a decent amount of fun, but was not filled with any desire to play it again.

    I also hate the way it handled many of it’s choices, which was to give the player incomplete information, screw them over, and then yell at the player for not having information. Like, at the beginning, with the fish town vs. the gardener people, it really seemed like shutting down the fish town would make them move in with the gardener people and live less crushingly corporately oppressed lives, but apparently that doesn’t happen, and if you do side with the fish town then you can replace the leadership to make life better for everyone, which the game did not tell you was a thing.

    Or how when playing the quest with the philosophiles, choosing ink over food will somehow make the only sane philosophile leader decide to continue fighting a pointless battle that kills innocent people just because she feels miffed at you.

    Also, making Parvati (the only character I care about) wait for her date until after you’ve saved the science guy from being tortured and/or executed will cause her to be a spinster forever.

    I feel like I was supposed to play it again with the metagamed knowledge of what to do, but it just soured the experience enough that I didn’t care. (I did reload to before the finale and score parvati that date though)

    I’ll probably get the sequel if it’s well reviewed, but Obsidian now definitely isn’t NV era Obsidian. (I mean, they literally don’t have the same people)

  • Pacific_Mole

    Fallout but fun.

    The 2 game modes aren’t stretched to be 70hrs long like Bethesda thinks is fun without innovating in any way at all.

    Like cod used to be 15 years ago.

  • Unlucky_Vegetable_35

    I liked it. I had fun with it, I like reading all the computer logs and emails. I had super high persuasion, the last level I didn’t have to fire a shot to get to the main bad guy, I just told everyone I was supposed to be there and they let me walk through. I thought the dialog was pretty funny too. Were the graphics the best and did it have a ton of loading? Yeah. Yeah they weren’t and non stop loading. But still enjoyed it.

  • HungryNoodle

    Felt like they were testing the waters with it. Looking forward to the 2nd.

    “It’s not the best choice, it’s spacers choice. TASTE THE FREEDOM!”

  • PolyZex

    Short, choices don’t actually matter, extremely linear for an ‘open world’ experience, lack of enemy variation BUT story was pretty good, it was kind of fun, and I liked the concepts.

    It was a solid mediocre game.

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