Friday, April 26All That Matters

The Military Burn Pits In The US No One Is Talking About (Vice)

The Military Burn Pits In The US No One Is Talking About (Vice)

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  • SunnyGrassBeachRelax

    Why can’t the US have a controlled burn chamber to clean up the smoke after a controlled burn?

    This is gross negligence and someone should defintely be sueing the government and clean harbours. Then follow up lawsuits to wherever the US decides to ship this problem too like they did in Minden town to the current town Colfax.

    ^ Seems like free money to whatever law firm picks this up.

  • Killfile

    So this video is about COMMERCIAL burn pits but there are LOADS of actual military burn pits, including one at the Radford Army Ammunition plant which is just down the road from where I live.

    A friend of mine who lives down-wind from the plant has had three dogs in the last decade. All three have had cancer; two have died.

    There’s just no way there’s not a cancer cluster there.

  • Common_Committee7003

    This is common when the US ARMY leaves third world countries. The burn pits are standard and no one cares when it’s happening in Africa or Afghanistan for example.
    Always happens close to poor people.

  • Magnus_Effect_Kalsu

    I love the business name “Clean Harbor”


    That’s all you have to do these days, just give yourself an environmentally friendly name and you are free reign to pollute the shit out of everything.

  • oldmasterluke

    I’m a victim of these pits. I lived next to one in Tikrit for 9 months. They burned EVERYTHING in that pit. Tires, plastics, etc. all with jet fuel/diesel. My hair on my head fell out within a month and my beard developed bald spots. Then I started going up and down in weight, drastic swings. I then got a diagnosis of thyroid cancer years later. (Which the VA totally missed) I had to go to a private doctor to get diagnosed.

  • TechsFan

    What the administration is allowing to happen in Colfax is abhorrent. When I was a little child, I used to reside in Alexandria and frequently traveled through Colfax. It’s unfortunate for everyone involved, including the local animals, water, and land. I hope it is halted and another way to get rid of this garbage may be found.

  • BreezyWrigley

    on the plus side, good to see Vice actually doing something worthy of being called journalism again. i feel like it’s been a pretty long while since they were putting out legit, hard-hitting journalism.

  • cocktails5

    My company *heavily* utilizes Clean Harbors for our waste removal. I’m going to be raising some shit about this, you better fucking believe it.

  • DrDrangleBrungis

    Dude, no one gives a shit anymore. It’s only gotten worse. The US is just a slightly under control dumpster fire that will continue to burn for the rest of our lives.

  • nukemobile

    Everyone who sees this video and thinks, “Wow, that’s fucked up.” I encourage you to call, write, email, tweet, etc. the Louisiana state legislators and governor to report and file complaints against Clean Harbors and burn pits such as these. Also, file complaints with the EPA and with Clean Harbors themselves.

    >Clean Harbors
    3763 Highway 471
    Colfax, LA 71417
    United States
    Phone Number: `318-627-3443`
    EPA ID: `LAD981055791`

    ##State Representative for Colfax
    >Michael “Gabe” Firment
    Republican – District 22

    `P.O. Box 640`
    `Pollock, LA 71467`
    Phone Number: `318-765-9606`
    Fax Number: `318-765-9607`
    Email: [email protected]
    Twitter for LA House of Representatives

    ##Louisiana State Governor
    >John Bell Edwards
    `Office of the Governor`
    `PO Box 94004`
    `Baton Rouge, LA 70804`
    Phone Number: `225-342-7015` or `866-366-1121`

    ####[Event Request for the Governor of Louisiana]( if you feel like making a fake event to have him visit Clean Harbors or Colfax in general

    ##File a complaint with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
    >Report environmental violations:
    Phone, Toll-free: `800-887-6063` or Outside Region 6 (covers AR, LA, NM, OK, and TX) call `214-665-2760`
    EPA Twitter:

  • eiram87

    I first heard about these because of chef Jet Tila, when he’s on a show playing for charity he most often plays for burn pit victims. Horrible stuff

  • SequinSaturn

    Why the fuck are we still doing shit this way. This is bullshit.


    This is the kind of shit people should actually be angry about. HEY progressives turn your eyes towards this. This is legit exploitation of our fellow countryman. Hey conservatives. This is is big government ass fucking your personal liberties.

    Can we all get on the same fucking team on this one. Good lord, why do we keep getting distracted with bullshit when we got stuff like this going on.

  • Dr-_-Spaceman

    Loved getting back from a 16 hour work day at Balad AB in Iraq to barracks that were covered in clouds of thick black fucking smoke. Love the last decade of ulcerative colitis even more. And the government will never fucking rate me for disability for it. Fuck the military. Fuck the government. We’re just pawns and they couldn’t give one fuck less about us.

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