Thursday, July 11All That Matters

the gane I cried, I saw it being born and growing, the most amazing sniper mission, how it became this?never thought I would see cod and testicles and Kong in the same phrase

the gane I cried, I saw it being born and growing, the most amazing sniper mission, how it became this?never thought I would see cod and testicles and Kong in the same phrase

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  • knifeysp8ny

    How is this recently eye-opening for you? Anything showbiz related has been at that level of quality for at least a decade

  • Gabe-KC

    I remember playing zombie matches in COD4, don’t pretend the multiplayer of these games used to be some war simulator.

  • AwesomeX121189

    Maybe don’t take video games so goddam seriously that it upsets you when ab unrealistic game does something silly and unrealistic

  • Eezo88

    This franchise has been the Fast and the Furious of video gaming since Modern Warfare. The only good games since then we’re the treyarch ones like World at War.

    Stop pretending this franchise had been serious up until recently.

  • WellAckchually

    Same copy pasta every year. Remember the pictures of the clown eco soldiers? COD been doing this. There are no “good days” 🤡

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