Monday, June 3All That Matters

The First Ever Drum Machine You Could Buy – 1959 Wurlitzer Sideman

The First Ever Drum Machine You Could Buy – 1959 Wurlitzer Sideman

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  • DutchwifeMedia

    I wonder how this would sound if it was played by a better drummer, still a better drummer than Ringo though

  • MeEvilBob

    Just needs an Arduino for MIDI input.

    Ok, so not just an Arduino, you also need relays or MOSFETs to switch the button voltage, then you need a MIDI shield and some programming.

    Anyone thinking of doing anything along these lines should look into the Teensy, which is a crazy powerful Arduino board that amongst other things, can be set up so that when plugged into a computer through USB, it will be detected as a MIDI device and compatible with most music software.

  • klaxhax

    I love watching this guy’s videos. He’s definitely not for everyone though, he can be a bit exhausting to listen to. I major respect for how passionate he is though.

  • imvii

    This is a really cool piece of history. Really, at the end of the day, the wiper contact is a really simple idea. Space the contact points equally on the disc and then assign different sounds to the points to make a drum pattern.

    This is sort of the same method used to do scoring and features in old pinball machines. Add a stepper motor to advance along the wheel when a switch is hit and the different points did different things.

    I love stuff like this.

  • paulconroy415

    Where can I get the sound pack for this? Super cool tones on the sounds, would love to play with these within a DAW (:

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