Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

Skyrim was released on 11/11/11, exactly 11 years ago.

Skyrim was released on 11/11/11, exactly 11 years ago.

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  • the_midwatcher

    I spent so many hours in Navy barracks playing this game. Every spare minute I’d be playing. My character was a smith who hunted animals for pelts to level up his smithing skills. Eventually I was running around in the best heavy armor with a warhammer bopping every dragon in the head. It was the most fun 100% playthrough I had done in awhile.

  • edengamer253

    Its aged pretty well id say. Though I remember it being a huge thing back in 2011 and the big open world was really exciting to me.

  • AgathaCrispy

    I’m playing it right now so this is especially awesome! Modded to the tits, but still… I’ve got thousands of hours in and I’m still not even close to tired of it.

  • willx2k

    Skyrim was amazing. But honestly. It was a meme and a joke. Now I think it’s so old it’s amazing again. 1000+ hours so I have a strong opinion.

  • Firehardt_cc

    6 more years until Dovahkiin (the boy who was born on 11/11/11 and got Bethesda games for life) can play Skyrim according to the M rating

  • Kam_Solastor

    I’m stabilizing out a 1,000+ mod load out currently for Skyrim – think I found a CTD culprit (a merged plugin I had made). Now to figure out *why* it’s crashing…

  • duhbuurz

    I was a senior in high school. When this came out I told my then girl friend I probably wouldn’t be talking to her or seeing her much outside of school for a couple weeks because this game was going to be all I was doing. She totally understood, we’ve been happily married for almost 8 years now.

  • Aaroon42

    A couple named their kid (born on the release date) Dovahkiin to win free Elder Scrolls games for life… only to get 20 different versions of Skyrim for the last decade.

    If that’s not some Cursed Monkey’s Paw shit, I don’t know what is.

  • 895501

    Being 31 years old with some life experience, I can say that my time playing Skyrim provided me with better memories than many entire years of my life have

  • MS_Salmonella

    I remember standing in line at gamestop back when people would still line up for midnight releases outside the store. Stayed up until 6 in the morning playing it probably.

    Last month I started playing it on pc with the wabbajack modlist that adds over 900 mods and its amazing the quests and gameplay mechanics people have added to the game. Still an amazing game by today’s standards.

  • midncoffey

    I picked up my copy and waited at checkout with the cashier until 11:11 am so my receipt would be all 1’s. When I got home I emailed GameStop about how nice the cashier was to indulge me and the next time I came in the cashier had been an award which included a pin and a bonus of some sort. I kept going to that store for a couple of years until they moved out of the mall and it became a macaroon store. I hope he is doing well all these years later.

  • Dp04

    I was there. My name is in the credits. All jokes aside about every “new” release that Todd is about to drop, its one of the things I’m most proud of being a part of. We knew while we were making it how good it was, but it was still awesome seeing the response those first few months.

    Anyways. 11 years. Time flies.

  • sart49

    If anyone needs a reason (or reasons) to replay this:
    Skyrim Together Reborn is a cool but buggy new way to play. It’s really easy to setup and surprisingly fun despite its flaws
    Wabbajack is a tool that let’s you play huge modlists with minimal effort. Nexus collections is similar but it forces you to use Vortex mod manager and lists are not as thought.

    Last, If you haven’t played Enderal: The forgotten Stories, go get it on Steam right now. You’re missing out in one of the best RPG stories out there.

  • MilaNumber14

    This may not be the most polished or perfect game but this is one of games that gave me an experience like never before, perhaps it’s because this is the first time I ever played a game for 100 hrs, creating my OC and getting lost in the open world. I played it in 2011 winter times so I had the window open next to my PC desk and felt the cold breeze and it got me immersed in the cold landscape of the game.

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