Sunday, April 21All That Matters

Saw this sign in a local store today.

Saw this sign in a local store today.

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  • TheSnozzwangler

    I do feel like the term “trigger” has been trivialized once it’s started to see mainstream use. There’s a difference between triggers that are rooted in deeply traumatic events and things that are just annoyances.

  • YallNeedGod

    I agree that one’s triggers are primarily their own responsibility. It would be impossible to cater to ever possible trigger out there, since they are potentially infinite and they can be extremely specific. I’ve encountered someone who has a PTSD response to the song Californication because of something traumatic that occurred to them while it was playing. I’ve encountered someone who’s trigger is literally Michael Jackson, idk why exactly but probably something similar. Triggers are vast and varied and it is literally impossible for society to anticipate and cater to every single one.

    But there are some themes that are extremely common triggers for people with PTSD and the like such as sexual assault and suicide, and I don’t think it hurts to slap on a little TW beforehand in those cases so people can know what they’re getting into and choose to leave before seeing something that might put them in a bad place. It only takes a little effort and it could help a lot of people.

  • bbcomment

    I was once in a group discussion over a book (engineering related) and one member mentioned that eggs were a trigger topic for her. I have no idea why and what I am supposed to do with that?

  • takedashingen97

    People definitely wildly overuse “triggers” and “triggering” to the point that it can be frustrating and meaningless.

    But… mostly this has always struck me as basic politeness. Don’t bring up extremely heavy, traumatic things when you don’t know what the person you are talking to is carrying with them as baggage. That is a social rule that was drummed into my head way way way before I heard anyone start talking about triggering.

    And it’s also such an easy rule to follow? Just be considerate.

  • RevengencerAlf

    I feel like this was catalyzed by a specific incident or person. And while I normally am fine respecting someone’s triggers it gets ridiculous when people use that word to mean ‘things that generally upset me” or use it to shut down discussion or get what they want.

  • fourleggedostrich

    Like everything reality is somewhere in the middle.

    Yes everyone’s mental health is their responsibility, but society won’t function if we don’t offer concessions support to each other.

    I’m not going to make war jokes around a veteran. I’m not going to talk about suicide around someone who recently lost a close relative to it. That’s not “tiptoeing around”, it’s not being a sociopath.

  • archangel610

    Absolutely agree. Whatever mental health issue you have isn’t your fault, and you deserve sympathy, but it’s also nobody’s responsibility but your own.

    On the flip side of this, if you’re doing something that you *know* is triggering someone around you, maybe stop doing it.


    Demi Lovato called out a froyo place for being “triggering”

    …because they sold sugar-free options

    There’s definitely a crowd that needs to get this through their skulls.

  • myislanduniverse

    Isn’t the point of a “trigger warning” to not tiptoe around activities that might cause someone to relive trauma by giving the person the chance to leave and not make it anybody else’s problem?

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