Saturday, May 11All That Matters

Redfall: Nice scope

This happened with all guns with a “scope” didn’t happen to my pistols or shotgun. I couldn’t fix it so I changed my strategy and used different guns. I wonder if it’s fixed when I log back in.

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  • Srovium

    Yo dawg, we heard you liked sniping so we put a sniper in your sniper so you can snipe while you’re sniping

  • ---E

    The chimney posts I thought were kinda dumb to harp on, that’s just some minor visual stuff. This is just ridiculous though, what were they thinking?

  • Ok_Mud2019

    man, this is just painful to see. i loved arkane’s dishonored games and prey. i was stoked when they announced redfall, it looked bland compared to their previous work but i was still excited to see what they had in store.

    this, this is just saddening.

  • Lopsided-Bench-6197

    The gaming industry would be a lot better today if people waited for the reviews before buying games. This is our own doing.

  • TraditionalAd8342

    I haven’t played this game, and usually don’t pre buy games and here’s the reason, when you buy a game before it is finished, what you’re doing is financing development, problem is you don’t have any assurances plus devs don’t pay any interest on your “investment/confidence” so why bother? Just cause they offer in-game extra stuff? Maybe it was a little bit more worth it when you at least got a real life collectible with purchase.

    Bottomline, if you keep financing games, don’t expect them to be fully developed at launch, but take into account that some games would never come out without this kind of financing so pick your battles and who you support and then be patient or wait till reviews are better/the game finished to buy.

    A good example is cyberpunk I bought it for 24 usd on PS5 maybe a year or two after launch and have enjoyed the game a lot, glitch free and a lot cheaper than when it got released.

  • Ange1ofD4rkness

    I can’t wait for the day I get to say “OMG this game released playable”. From poor PC ports, to countless bugs, ext. I mean it’s almost depressing.

    Of course the industry has done this to themselves. Games are getting more and more complicated, with a push to get it out the door, and testing taking a back seat. I’m actually hoping the changes in AI will help with this, specifically able to debug and test better then users can.

  • foh242

    I was so excited for a coop vampire hunter game. But redfall is just lifeless, bland and feels unfinished.

    Weird still cutscenese with no narration, clunky combat, lazy graphics, and for some reason that really bugs me no sneaky from behind execute attack. Makes me really wonder why sneak is in the game?

    Thanks gamepass for saving me money.

  • Aggravating-Day-6945

    Instead of bashing Redfall, we should be celebrating what is obviously ChatGPT’s first coded game.

  • yensid7

    Years ago I made the decision to not get games at launch. Mostly because of a huge backlog of games, and the ability to buy at massive discounts full bundles for cheaper than the base game at launch. They are still a ton of fun, plus you get to partake in all of the patches, improvements, mods, and expansions right away.

    Started RDR2 last year. Lots of fun!

  • Rugged_Poptart

    Don’t go on their twitch stream. I got banned earlier for asking to see the chimneys lol. Bethesda released a really garbage game and they are super sensitive about that fact.

  • ZL0J

    I don’t know what this came is and I never cared but in two last days I learned to hate it. Thanks reddit!

    Also, preordering a game is just nuts and not only directly wasting a portion of your spendings on an unknown quality product but also incentivising corporations to produce subpar products in general.

  • lewiwreke

    I buy a game 2-3 years after it comes out. Mostly because I have a huge backlog of “new” games and all of my nostalgia games I must play everytime I get an itch

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