Saturday, July 20All That Matters

Poster for Ken Burns’ new film “The U.S. and the Holocaust”, premiering September 18 on PBS

Poster for Ken Burns’ new film “The U.S. and the Holocaust”, premiering September 18 on PBS

Poster for Ken Burns’ new film “The U.S. and the Holocaust”, premiering September 18 on PBS

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  • The-Go-Kid

    I started working on documentaries two years ago. I was given access to the Ken Burns Masterclass as a gift and I honestly think that was the best gift anyone has ever given me. I wouldn’t be doing what I do now if it wasn’t for that. The guy’s a legend!

  • GenXUser

    >A tragedy for the world – a reckoning for our nation. The U.S. and the Holocaust examines the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany in the context of global antisemitism and racism, immigration and eugenics in the United States, and race laws in the American south.

  • MadeByTango

    > The U.S. and the Holocaust is a three-part series that tells the story of how the American people grappled with one of the greatest humanitarian crises of the twentieth century, and how this struggle tested the ideals of our democracy. By examining events leading up to and during the Holocaust with fresh eyes, this film dispels the competing myths that Americans either were ignorant of what was happening to Jews in Europe, or that they merely looked on with callous indifference. The truth is much more nuanced and complicated, and the challenges that the American people confronted raise questions that remain essential to our society today: What is America’s role as a land of immigrants? What are the responsibilities of a nation to intervene in humanitarian crises? What should our leaders and the press do to shape public opinion? What can individuals do when governments fail to act?

    >Premiering on PBS September 18-20, 2022, The U.S. and the Holocaust is directed by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick & Sarah Botstein, written by Geoffrey C. Ward, story by Kevin Baker and produced by Burns, Novick, Botstein and Mike Welt. (6 hours)

  • Redditsoldestaccount

    Hopefully it covers how Senator Prescott Bush (Father of George Bush and grandfather of W) was prosecuted under the Trading With the Enemies Act of 1942.

  • MadeByTango

    > the challenges that the American people confronted raise questions that remain essential to our society today: What is America’s role as a land of immigrants? What are the responsibilities of a nation to intervene in humanitarian crises? What should our leaders and the press do to shape public opinion? What can individuals do when governments fail to act?

    Making a separate discussion from the overview info, I’m interested to see what Burns has to say on these questions. I’ve studied genocide in Rwanda and Cambodia, and these are the same questions America grappled with then, and we grapple with now in places like China and Israel.

    I hope this series catches on. Every generation needs to have a hard discussion about where we stand on genocide and interference. World police or isolationism? We failed in Rwanda. Where are we failing now? Maybe talking honestly about a these questions through the specter of the Holocaust will help us know how we should act now.

  • kaylaa_bugg

    condolences to everyone who suffered in that horrific time … so sad 💔 but this should be interesting! i would love to expand my knowledge on this topic specifically !

  • ultravegan

    PBS passport is my most used streaming service now. absolutely cannot recommend it enough. The only downside is I find the search function a bit cumbersome.

  • ApocalypseNow79

    Awww man I thought it was gonna be talking about how the Bush family, Harriman, Ford, etc. funded the Nazi party and rebuilt the country to make Germany a bulwark against the communists

  • SpinalVinyl

    I wouldn’t say I’m “Excited” for this but I will watch it because that Ken Burns makes pretty thorough documentary. Still, Jazz and Baseball are still my favorite. I really wish he would do a doc on Hip-Hop because I think there’s nothing more Americana than that.

  • LotharVonPittinsberg

    It will be interesting to see what they are going to cover. Things like homosexuality being illegal at the time leads to some very scary details.

  • chitowngirl12

    Wow. I didn’t know that there was a new Ken Burns documentary coming out. Thanks for letting me know. I will mark my calendar.

  • Milazzo

    HUGE Ken Burns fan (don’t ask me how many times I have watched The Roosevelts) and I just finished reading In the Garden of Beasts – the story of the Ambassador to Germany at the beginning of the Nazis – which touched on this subject. I hope he goes full on here and this is as deep and complex as Vietnam.

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