Wednesday, May 8All That Matters

Passion > money

Passion > money

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  • thecostly

    Not really a fair comparison. The majority of indie games are graded on a curve. They’ll review higher because of the small team and cheaper price, whereas a bigger release at full price by a major studio will be under much more scrutiny. If Cult of the Lamb was made by 300 people and cost $60 I doubt it would be as revered.

  • Whimsipuff17

    What is the weird white creature that has a giant hole for a face? Is that from Undertale? Cause it looks like the mutant doggo from the True Pacifist run and I would have thought they’d reference Sans instead.

  • Davicho77

    I agree. I’ve been playing a large variety of AAA games that had been terrible on release date, overpriced, little content, lots of bugs and simply not worth 70+$ (Gran Turismo 7, Cyberpunk 2077, Returnal) while the indie games I’ve recently started playing (Thymesia, Hades, Deaths Door) I enjoyed so much. They seem to be really compromised with the final product, providing unique experiences, lots of details with fun gameplay. Big developers, some of them, prefer to release remasters instead of creating new games just for economic purposes. Indie games seem to go all in while creating the game to make a name for themselves and they’ve done it so far. And at the end, indie games are cheaper and they don’t take years to release. Praise indie developers!

  • coolasf101

    True indie games like omori, ultra kill, deltarune, and doom eternal give me hope that their is some creativity left…

  • CalamityVanguard

    Hold up, hold right the f*** up. I love indie games as much as anybody, but who the hell let Flappy Bird in here?

  • Noiprox

    At a certain point bigger budgets just has diminishing returns on quality, and it comes laden with creativity-stifling constraints from investors.

  • luigi4president

    Nah I don’t think that’s the case. The world ain’t black and white so it’s not lile every indie game is a masterpiece and every AAA game is garbage. There are many AAA games that still feel like there is a lot of passion behind them

  • Erfegon

    Hard to pay bills with praises.
    Joke aside, what is your definition of an “indie” game. I’m curious to see if we all have the same one.

  • __LikeMike__

    To be honest since the pandemic we didn’t get that many AAA games. And before that? BOTW, Mario Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War, TLOU2 – just to name a few. Indie games are great and several of them are definitely more fun than most AAA games – but in the end the most universally praised games are usually AAA.


    For the longest time i thought that indie games were games made in India so i was very confused when i saw minecraft as the most popular indie game.

  • MacaroniEast

    If I’m being honest, this graphic is too dated. I mean obviously OP didn’t make it, but I’ve been around longer than all these games and I can maybe only recall the names of half.

  • ScorchReaper062

    We also live in an era where there are LITERALLY corporations that exist solely to destroy indie and mmo games and turn them into shameless cash cows.

    Because having nice things is a crime in this day and age.

  • Prototype2001

    Look at Steam’s new releases, a lot of it are indie visual novels/nudity/hentai/furry/meme/porn made in PowerPoint. Then theres a category of ‘its so bad it has to be intentional’ and another category of Unity asset flips. The 3 good indie games you can name there are 3 million indie games you don’t know about because they are absolute trash.

  • thegamingbacklog

    You’ve got a very specific selection of indie games there for every 1 that does well there are 99 that fail or are total trash, and you are also ignoring AAA titles that do incredibly well. The Spider-Man Remaster came out a week or two ago and I noticed last night that 9.3% of players had got 100% completion of the main story, and then the first DLC had 9.2% completion. Which means that people aren’t just hitting the main story but really hammering the whole game. Which tell me it’s a AAA title getting some solid love.

    You can pretend that all AAA games have no heart but there are AAA teams out there that are AAA for a reason, and it’s because they are the best in their industry and make fantastic games.

  • happyboyrocka

    I am a indie developer and it is super HARD to make games, I wish I had the budget of AAA games, it is a shame they make games so bad, support indie if you can

  • David_McFly

    Unpopular opinion: most indie games are boring and have nothing interesting going on except for their art style, sometimes not even that.

  • nick351

    Indie games are cool but that’s not why I bought my Xbox. It’s cool that you have 4k top down games but that’s not what I wanna play.

  • FrozenPinguin26

    Cause indie games are actually (mostly) finished and don’t need 6 month to make it playable.

    And in my opinion, the big studio’s like Ubi have gone offtrack with milking of every game they have to the point where it’s either a re-skin of a previous game such as Far Cry, or they’ve lost all creativity with viking assassins.

  • Sargonarhes

    Could it be because the indies are making games for gamers, while AAA are making games for the lowest common denominator and they suck.

    Nah, can’t be.

    Nice to see Shantea in there, but she’s been around for 20 years. But has had some new releases on Steam and Nintendo Switch.

  • NotATuring

    Y’all are trying to explain it in a way that doesn’t shit on triple a lol. The point is big ass fucking monolithic monopolizing capitalist driven swine produce SHIT meanwhile people trying very hard to carve out true innovation actually produce things people like.

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