Thursday, April 11All That Matters

Parent gave this to my sister who is a history teacher (cursive writing is hers)

Parent gave this to my sister who is a history teacher (cursive writing is hers)

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  • angrypoliticsposter

    Sovcits are comedy gold. I am endlessly entertained by how they think the law is like a magic spell where if you just utter the correct words then nothing can apply to you.

  • Brend4nC

    The most insufferable type of person: a stupid person who thinks they’re smart. They’re extremely confident in their incorrect thoughts.

  • TheDeadlySquid

    There is a serious lack of critical thinking happening in America right now and it’s dangerous. People are taking statements whether online or on television at face value.

  • Porkfriedjosh

    It’s horrific how little people know about the constitution and then in the same breath use it to defend their stance. I took it on myself to learn about it once upon a time and I can say without a doubt even just reading it once puts you on a higher plane than whatever this dude was on haha.

  • Chris_Thrush

    Sadly I recognize this from my past life, this is sovereign citizen bullshit. Nothing is worse then being locked in a cell with one of these idiots. There is a “qanon queen” of Canada that is currently spreading this crap again.

  • scottrogers123

    This is why teachers are leaving. IDIOT parents. Why would anyone want to teach their kids? Teacher can only do so much, while crazy ass parents are indoctrinating them with BS at home.

  • WhoIsYerWan

    Is this a sov cit that…sent their child to public school? A school paid for by the taxes they think they are not subject to paying?

  • TurtleSeaBreeze

    „The best way to keep a secret is to put it into a book“. This is stupid on so many levels and tells me more than enough about what kind of people these are.

  • truethatson

    My mom worked in federal law enforcement and boy, these folks were a hoot. They talk a big game but you should see them whine when they have to go before the judge. “I don’t recognize the validity of the arresting officer or this court” Judge: “That’s nice. Maximum penalty for your minor infraction. Have a nice day.”

  • mycroft16

    The Sov Cit folks have absolutely no clue what their own claims actually mean. It’s a whole lot of monkey see, monkey do. They will all claim to have “done their own research” by which they mean “I copy pasted this from some other idiot online.” It is extremely depressing that people actually think any of it is true.

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