Tuesday, September 10All That Matters

Over the past year I’ve been working really hard on my Risk of Rain 2 and NieR: Automata inspired solo dev project Morbid Metal. It’s a sci-fi, action roguelite where you can shapeshift into unique characters to slaughter enemies with powerful combos. I’d be very happy to hear your feedback!

Over the past year I’ve been working really hard on my Risk of Rain 2 and NieR: Automata inspired solo dev project Morbid Metal. It’s a sci-fi, action roguelite where you can shapeshift into unique characters to slaughter enemies with powerful combos. I’d be very happy to hear your feedback!

Over the past year I’ve been working really hard on my Risk of Rain 2 and NieR: Automata inspired solo dev project Morbid Metal. It’s a sci-fi, action roguelite where you can shapeshift into unique characters to slaughter enemies with powerful combos. I’d be very happy to hear your feedback! from gaming

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  • beowulfpyro26

    You piqued my curiosity, but now you have my goddamn attention. Please tell me where you plan to release it because goddamn this looks fun as fuck!

  • Jellozz

    Been waiting literally 10 years now (since I first got addicted to Isaac) for someone to make a proper character action roguelite or roguelike, so to say my interest is piqued would be an understatement. I think the only other game that has actually tried is Heart&Slash but the execution was not great (also an understatement, even if I did play the crap out of the game) unfortunately.

    The gif looks really promising.

  • Sp0oM

    Looks fantastic, but I do want to know how the progression system works, and if it’s level based, mission based, or open world

  • rofllobsters

    I’ve been playing mortal shell and one thing I noticed they did a great job is the impact sound and feel when you hit someone feels great. Obviously can’t tell because yours has no sound but just wanted to say that getting good sound can be important on that!

  • MoreThan7_

    Bruh I want to download this now. Never played anything in this genre, and I dont want to unless it looks like this. Insane work!

  • sp33dzer0

    How do you control the way your character transforms and what they transform into?

    Is there some kind of lock on system? This looks like a game where it could be very easy to lose your combo because a character is just slightly out of bounds with their colliders.

    What’s the scale of the game right now? Are you using LODs to optimize your performance?

    Is there no UI or is it hidden away (similar to how you can disable in Nier)?

  • lumigumi

    This looks epic! Love the idea of combining the combat of Nier with roguelites. What platforms are you expecting to put it on? I’ll definitely tell some friends about this so they can keep an eye out too.

  • L80sKidd

    Keep sharing and make sure to get people to play test it. You’re definitely on the right track. I don’t like the shaking on impact (is that what it is?), but I love the chaining of attacks. Reminds a bit of the original God of War trilogy.

  • TonTon1N

    It looks great! The one thing I’d say is maybe make the game a little easier to read. What I mean by that is like in Risk of Rain 2, once you get built up big enough it’s easy to lose track of yourself in the middle of all the movement, colors, explosions – so on and so forth. It looks really beautiful but make sure that the stylistic effects don’t get in the way of the player actually playing the game. Maybe something as simple as highlighting the player’s character would help make everything easier to read

  • DoYouMeanShenanigans

    Ok this looks excellent. Going to follow this project. If you ever need a dedicated QA, I’d be happy to assist.

  • BeoWulf080

    You are a dedicated dude. Right now I am also learning game development and I am hoping I could also start my project in a few months. People like you really keep me going. Really I mean it, you are an inspiration for a novice like me. Great work and I will definitely follow along.

  • CheshireEnigma

    From what you’ve posted, it appears to have great visuals, style, and movement. Very fluid combat is appealing. Reminds me of Alter Echo. Look forward to seeing more of it.

  • radracer01

    if you can nail down the flow of combat transitions smoothly with out much jitteriness

    like Batman games fight system would be pretty amazing

    the games i have tried in Unity I am not a big fan of. primarily due to the clunkyness feeling of control flow also controls does not match the speed of the game or just feels off

    if you look at ninja gaiden on original xbox super smooth, then you get the next ninja gaiden and it just seems a bit off. i dunno if its due to the engine or just the lack of hardware, either way, it feels weird comparing it to the original and how well designed the flow of the fight was.

    compared to games down in unreal engine where the flow feels extra smooth

    will you have a parry/block system implemented or will it just be a dodge away type system to avoid damage?

    GodFall and Vermintide 2 have excellent combat parry systems


    if you can somehow manage to clean up the fighting, it will be an excellent game am sure

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