Monday, July 22All That Matters

[OC] No idea how this picture turned out like this, but I think it’s beautiful.

[OC] No idea how this picture turned out like this, but I think it’s beautiful.

[OC] No idea how this picture turned out like this, but I think it’s beautiful.

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  • Cyanandblue

    I think this is called “Rim light”. In this case the sunlight behind the corns is lighting up the strands of the long corns and as a result, you get the ‘rim’ of the corn lit up like that.
    Similarly photographers use this as a technique to photograph people. In those cases, the small hair that extends from the body (and of course perpendicular to the camera) gets lit up.

    Btw, cool photo dude! Can I know the gear and settings?

  • head-of-potatoes

    I use an app called TouchRetouch to remove power lines from photos. It works great. This is a beautiful shot but you could try to retouch the power lines out of it if you’d like.

  • JoseefusBroseefus

    Did you shoot this on your phone or a DSLR? This is definitely a few things combined that make it great – a unique perspective, golden-hour lighting, slight lens flare and rim lighting causing those spectral highlights that can sometimes look great. Also good composition and a good depth of field that makes it feel like you’re there (as opposed to a shallow one that would blur out the background with bokeh too much). All around awesome work.

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