[OC] Justin Beiber had nothing on me. Bell’s Palsy last year. This is a full smile and eye scrunch
View Reddit by Errolhenry – View Source
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[OC] Justin Beiber had nothing on me. Bell’s Palsy last year. This is a full smile and eye scrunch
View Reddit by Errolhenry – View Source
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You’d make a good Two-Face for Halloween
A family member had this when I was a kid.
You look like a Beastie Boy.
Have you gone completely back to normal?
Fucking scary man
Lyme disease?
How did you get it?
Vacxine 💉 injury? Is it permanent?
I had Bell’s palsy in October 2020, it may have saved my life, had to go to the doctor, ran blood tests, found out vitamin D was very low, started supplementing the shit out of it…caught Covid in January.
Bell’s palsy resolved in about two weeks. Was a little frustrating, but not terrible. The weirdest part was eating, I’d move food from one side of my tongue to the other and the taste of food disappear then reappeared.
Sorry mate.
My wife had it about 20 years ago and got lucky that it went away after a few weeks. I started having all the precursors to it and she forced me to slow my roll and chill for a bit. Had to literally stop worrying.
Doctors have any kind of hope, or options?
Have reoccurring Bell’s Palsy on the left side of my face. 0/5 do not recommend.
Almost thought you were Bieber for a second…
I got it temporarily a number of years ago. I had to wear an eye patch because I couldn’t fully close my eye.
Much pirate talk ensued.
Bells palsy aucks, my dad had it when I was like 10 or 11 years old
I had that. Use liquid tears a lot. Blink using your finger every so often. You can’t close your eye. Have to tape it closed at night. Hasn’t come back in at least 20 years.
My brother had this as a child.
It affected him for the rest of his life.
If I’m not mistaken, you can get it fixed. At least my wife got it fixed. They can do some kind of cold therapy on the nerves in your face that will make it go away faster. My wife is a teacher, she had to go on sick leave because the thought the kids would freak out. She was 90% fixed after 3 weeks of therapy, although now, 7 years later, she’s still convinced that it never went away fully. I just say she has a unique face.
My boyfriend had Bells Palsy last summer a couple months after his second Covid vaccine shot. The neurologist said that there has been a link between the vaccine and Bells Palsy, in his practice he has seen an up tick of a couple cases per month to half a dozen per week. Luckily the case my boyfriend had resolved to normal in about 6 weeks, but it was scary and stressful.
This is kinda sexy
What does this have to do with Justin Bieber?
It doesn’t look half as bad as you think mate. Chin up champ.
Plus it could be worse, you could have [Full Bell’s Palsy](https://imgur.com/a/YPbBFG4) 8<
So [smile](https://imgur.com/a/u5lwjYM) and be happy, don’t worry about it.( I’m so^sorry^I^couldn’t^help^myself )
He can open a piñata with a wink and a smile
Shit I had Bells 3 times. It sucks
Shouldn’t have gotten the clot shot
If caught before full paralysis, 98% will eventually heal up. With full paralysis, stage 4, 60% recovery
Most important strategy is early recognition. Start steroids tapered (60mg daily to 10mg then off). Antivirals are questionable but acyclovir can’t hurt
Chew gum constantly to stimulate regeneration of nerve, cover affected eye nightly with lubricating tears to prevent corneal scratching.
I had it during medical school – scary for two weeks.
Best of luck – if you’re far removed from it and still have paralysis, there’s stimulation therapy to help poke nerve to regenerate… worth a shot.
“I use rechargable batteries! Tesla has nothing on me!”
Had bells ballsy senior year of HS, some random ass bullshit.
I have Bell’s Palsy right now. It’s so annoying.
Had Bell’s Palsy 10 years ago, didn’t know it was a thing that could just… spontaneously happen. Thought I was having a stroke and went to the ER.
Weirdest part was actually losing taste in half of my tongue, and having to tape my eye closed at night.
Steroid course for 2 weeks and got maybe 95% back. The 5% that I didn’t get back only really shows itself when I smile – mouth doesn’t go as high on one side and the corresponding eye doesn’t crinkle as much (a lot of my smile is in my eyes).
Okay yeah what you got going on is bad, but why is it necessary to try and put down someone else’s plight? Not cool man
got it a couple years ago. paired with tinnitus in my left ear. that stayed.
Hope its on the mend mate!
Had it as a newborn and now at 40 I still have the one side scrunch and it shows in my smile. You can see it more in my face when Im tired.
My friend’s mom has it too and this is how she usually looks about 50% of the time. She gets twitches too, but not sure if it’s from that. Either way, you got the short end of some type of stick with it.
This is why I got the Shingrix vaccine.
Watched my cousin get Bell’s Palsy and my mother suffer from Shingles.
Vaccines work!
I had Bells Palsy also! How long did it last for you? I found the most annoying thing about it was that I had to sleep with an eyepatch!
My buddy got that from a virus. Had it for about 4 – 6 weeks. Had to use an unguent because he couldn’t blink that eye. He recovered and all is well. Hope you recover, too, man.
My buddy got that from a virus. Had it for about 4 – 6 weeks. Had to use an unguent because he couldn’t blink that eye. He recovered and all is well. Hope you recover, too, man.
I hope you’ve recovered. My mom has had it three times and has permanent paralysis.
Gangsta as fuck. I’d buy your latest album.