Saturday, July 27All That Matters

No other game makes me empathize with its antagonist and actually miss them when the game finishes like Portal 2

No other game makes me empathize with its antagonist and actually miss them when the game finishes like Portal 2

No other game makes me empathize with its antagonist and actually miss them when the game finishes like Portal 2

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  • the_original_Retro

    I’m a little different.

    I was more

    >Thanks that was fun but by golly I sure am glad I don’t have to deal with you any more I’m surprised I’m still alive actually given the completely bonkers mental state that everything else that is semi-sentient in this game that I’ve encountered so far seems to be experiencing hey can you call me an Uber no wait never mind they don’t exist yet

    at the end.

    It was a magnificent story. But I didn’t “miss” the frankly insane characters that drove the whole thing when it was over…

    …I just wished there was another sequel of equal quality.

  • multilock-missile

    I don’t empathize with Handsome Jack, but sure miss the dude, I replay Borderlands 2 some times because he’s just THAT GUY, you know? I still love the “Hey, how you been doing buddy? Oh god, these pretzels suck!”

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