My family and I are exhibiting a bunch of classic game consoles at the Bay Area Maker Faire this week!
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My family and I are exhibiting a bunch of classic game consoles at the Bay Area Maker Faire this week!
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My family and I have brought a variety of our classic video game consoles and beautiful CRT displays to the Maker Faire this weekend! Visitors can get hands on and learn about the science, technology, engineering, art and math that goes into video games. Every console is playing a game featuring Nintendo’s iconic Mario character, plus we bought out the mighty Silicon Graphics Inc. Indigo2 workstation to show how SGI’s partnership with Nintendo resulting in the beloved N64. If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, come over and say hi – you won’t want to miss this!
Our exhibition includes:
* Atari 2600 playing Donkey Kong
* Atari 7800 ProSystem playing Mario Bros.
* Nintendo Entertainment System playing Super Mario Bros. 3
* Super Nintendo playing Super Mario All Stars
* Super Nintendo Jr. (aka “New Style Super Nintendo”) playing Super Mario Kart
* Nintendo 64 playing Super Mario 64
* Silicon Graphics Inc. Indigo2 workstation playing SGI’s “ButtonFly” demo which inspired Super Mario 64’s save-game interface
* Nintendo GameCube playing Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
* Nintendo Virtual Boy playing Mario’s Tennis (aka Mario’s Migraine)
May I reserve donkey Kong on the 2600 please?
Nice! I can’t imagine carrying all those CRTs though…RIP back
This is great to see the old stuff still in great condition! There was a small retro gaming cafe in a city near me that, for the price of a drink, you could sit and play on these for a few hours. It’s a shame it ended up closing 🙁
Keep doing what you’re doing! 🙂
Wow! How long has it taken to build up your collection?
I see (left to right)
1. Donkey Kong
2. ?? Mario Bros. ??
3. Super Mario 3
4. Super Mario 64
5. ?? *shrug* no idea
6. ?? Mario Kart: Double Dash ??
7. Mario Kart
8. Super Mario All Stars
Oh… I should have scrolled down a bit first, I guess. 😛
OP’s arms are huge from lifting those CRTs.