Saturday, November 9All That Matters

Mr. L. Wing of the Metz car company on the rim of the Grand Canyon rim at El Tovar point, 1914. Wing and a newspaper reporter drove the 22 horsepower car from LA to the bottom of the Grand Canyon to demonstrate the car’s performance in advertising brochures.

Mr. L. Wing of the Metz car company on the rim of the Grand Canyon rim at El Tovar point, 1914. Wing and a newspaper reporter drove the 22 horsepower car from LA to the bottom of the Grand Canyon to demonstrate the car’s performance in advertising brochures.

Mr. L. Wing of the Metz car company on the rim of the Grand Canyon rim at El Tovar point, 1914. Wing and a newspaper reporter drove the 22 horsepower car from LA to the bottom of the Grand Canyon to demonstrate the car’s performance in advertising brochures.

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