Tuesday, September 10All That Matters

Mayim Bialik talks ‘Jeopardy!’ with Kelly Clarkson, admits she “never felt more stupid until walking into writer’s room”, didn’t watch show until guest hosting in 2021

Mayim Bialik talks ‘Jeopardy!’ with Kelly Clarkson, admits she “never felt more stupid until walking into writer’s room”, didn’t watch show until guest hosting in 2021


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  • TomBradyCTE

    Conversely, the show has never felt as stupid until she walked onto its stage. It actually feels dumbed down when she hosts, particularly with her quips between the clues.

  • I_Am_Just_Wondering

    Her PR team’s strategy throughout this campaign to host the show has been downright bizarre. She’s admitted on multiple occasions to feeling dumb with regard to the game material, has described the job as simply “reading the clues”, now says she never watched the show until recently, and never really did anything to quell any public controversies except say her publicist was doing a good job. Call me skeptical, but it sounds like she already has the gig in the bag and feels like she can spew off whatever she wants.

    I’d hate to be Ken competing with her for this gig and slowly watching his dream die.

  • spreedom

    For someone whose whole persona is “look how smart I am”, she sure manages to say something really stupid almost every time she does any kind of interview

  • that-dudes-shorts

    She apparently isn’t vaccinated. Does anybody know where she might talk about it and what her arguments are regarding vaccination ?

    Considering she has a PhD in a STEM field, I’m interested in her point of view regarding this.

    Thank you !

    Edit : Did a bit of research and she is vaccinated for Covid but she’s still not big on vaccination for other stuff. Didn’t mean to misinform everyone, my bad.

  • 5557623

    I used to really like her starting way back with Blossom.

    I was done with big bang theory before she became a regular but could stomach a few scenes while she was in them.

    Then when she got a doctorate I was very impressed.

    It all tanked when famous women and others started to expose sexual assault and she said that women get assault because they’re asking for it by the way they dress and act and that it’s never happened to her because she’s smarter.

    It was her acting and the characters she inhabited that were so good, not the person, the person is a train wreck.

    I see she’s done a few shows since the fake nerd sitcom ended, but I can’t bring myself to watch them even though I sometimes want to for old times sake.

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