Mahomes finds Travis Kelce to win the game against the Bills in overtime
Mahomes finds Travis Kelce to win the game against the Bills in overtime from sports
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Mahomes finds Travis Kelce to win the game against the Bills in overtime
Mahomes finds Travis Kelce to win the game against the Bills in overtime from sports
View Reddit by I-Have-Four-Balls – View Source
Spectacular game.
May have been the best NFL game I ever watched.
Going to go ahead and say it now, best playoff weekend ever.
Absolutely feel for Allen on this one. Man played his heart out and the defense let him down.
I don’t watch much American Football, that was a great game ruined by the stupid OT rule and the Bills not getting a chance to match the final play.
This game was intense!
I’m in Europe, it’s 4AM. I wanted to go to bed at halftime. I’m glad I didn’t.
NFL seriously needs to adopt NCAAF OT rules or something similar.
So win the toss. Why don’t we just stop there?
Best game ever
Chiefs fan here…. Awesome amazing game. But seriously the NFL OT rules are horse shit.
Way to go Chiefs. OT rules suck. Buffalo deserved a shot at going down the field. What a fun game to watch.
Breaking News: The entire Kansas City area has just been diagnosed with priapism.
I walked in after the game was over, my friend who’s the biggest chiefs fan I know was on the floor of the living room just exhaling loudly and looking at the ceiling fan.
What. A. Game. I’m a Pats fan, but I was pulling for those Bills! But I had a feeling that whoever won the OT coin toss would win the game. Those rules suck. Play the period!!!
I’m not sure there has ever been a better display of quarterback play in a single game. Amazing.
OT rules are horrible, but then again, bills allowed like 45 yrds in 10 seconds
Not a foot ball fan. Only ever watch it during the super bowl, but man if every game was like the two games today. I would enjoy watching.
Today showed that it doesn’t matter how much time is on the clock. Anything is possible
It was crazy here in Kansas City. Like the Fourth of July. Constant fireworks going off for about 20-30 minutes. I’m on the Kansas side where fireworks are illegal too.
How do you rush four and leave Hill and Kelce wide open on multiple plays? It shouldn’t have even gotten to OT.
Bears fan here. I REALLY wanted to see Buffalo win this one. I feel like their fan base, just like ours could use a win. Oh well….always next year right?
Can we all agree Tony Romo busted 6 times in 15 minutes and that’s got to be an NFL record?
Overtime rules suck
Allen played like Jesus and lost because of a fucking coin
Am I the only one who thinks the bills throwing the game with 13 seconds left was dumb as fuck and ruined a great game? Like sure the OT rules are trash but the horrid play calling after the bills scored literally made me lose brain cells.. when mahomes got the ball with 13 seconds left he just threw it to a wide open player with 3 blockers in front, then threw it to a wide open player again to get in range and it wasn’t even cool to watch..
True Bills fashion /golfclap
What a soul crushing loss for the Bills. 13 seconds. I wonder if that will have the same effect on that franchise as 28-3 and no beast mode from the 1 YD line. Goodness.
Absolute bullshit. These OT rules are a farce. Allen is a better QB
Never call tails!
Bitching about the OT rules now, how about when my team lost in a SB the same way? Defense collapsing lost these games in both instances.
Did you all see the 38 family members and friends of Allen’s all crying and celebrating when they thought they had the game won? Lmao what a roller coaster for them at the last minute
That was the best game I think I’ve ever seen, and I’m over 50.