Monday, August 26All That Matters

Liz Taylor and Doris Day walking down the street with their boyfriends, 1955

Liz Taylor and Doris Day walking down the street with their boyfriends, 1955

Liz Taylor and Doris Day walking down the street with their boyfriends, 1955

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  • Jiggarelli

    “Two studs walking with women out of their league.”
    Not taking anything away from the guys. Just D.R. and E.F. were amazing.

    Side note, I almost hit Miss Taylor with a piece of drywall i was carrying once. She was extremely nice about it. And still somehow just breathtakingly beautiful. This was probably 1997 to 1999ish… I wasn’t out of my late teens yet. Every encounter i had with her she was an absolute class act. But apparently her dog git sick and she requested a special type of toilet paper for him/her. There was a small ruckus about that. Always struck me as a damn graceful lady.

  • Professional_Box206

    Definitely NOT Doris Day…. If you watch Carrie Fisher’s last stand up, she talks all about the craziness between Debbie Reynolds and Liz Taylor… It would make the most sense then, that this picture IS of Debbie Reynolds and NOT Doris Day (with Liz Taylor)

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