Saturday, April 20All That Matters

Italian singer Adriano Celentano released a song in the 70s with nonsensical lyrics meant to sound like American English—to prove that Italians would just love any American song. It was a hit.

Italian singer Adriano Celentano released a song in the 70s with nonsensical lyrics meant to sound like American English—to prove that Italians would just love any American song. It was a hit.

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  • striderwhite

    Well of course, not many knew english in Italy in the ’70s, so not many were able to understand the lyrics of foreign songs anyway. Also Celentano was HUGE in the ’60s and ’70s, he could sell records in every language he wanted. Things improved a lot in the ’80s, and in the ’90s, when people were learning english at school and from popular songs of the time (Take That, East 17, pop shit like that). And of course thanks to the rise of internet for the masses at the end of the ’90s.

  • dashauskat

    It’s a great song and if any producer took the time to remix it they would have a hit too. I’ve searched high and low for a mix I could throw into a set.

  • tofuninja5489

    This is probably why that lady thought her rendition of Ken Lee was gonna kill at her Idol audition.

    It didn’t. If only she had did it in the 70s

  • kthulhu666

    They should play this song when a leader culturally loses to you in Civ 5,  “Our people are now buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music.”

  • egnards

    Sounds similar to that song “Salsa Tequila,” that was written by two people who don’t speak Spanish but wanted to hop on the Latin music craze.

  • Fondren_Richmond

    I was all in at the “brrrrrt.” Whatever salient point he was trying to make about Italian music at the time, that hook proved he could write a muthafuckin jam. This version appears to have cut out the “alrights” which is actually a pretty ingenius commentary on American music from that time. The business side and fame of being a successful musician has some exploitative and emotional dark sides but this is the shit I actually envy.

  • sharrrper

    I sat down for like 2 hours and “translated” the lyrics once. Here’s what I came up with:

    Please and call and ensign I choose oh
    In the cold maids say one
    Please and call and ensign I choose oh

    When I’m sayin’ the shoes now on hold Billy you sayin’ now to hurry maybe get the cumberbunds tight

    Rrrrrrrrrrrr change their mind the key to coal baby sustain yeah pitch yo whoa

    When I’m sayin’ the shoes now on hold Billy you sayin’ now to hurry maybe get the cumberbunds tight

    What did you say man? She with coffee and steam, you never charm enough to disregard papers is jammed

    You’d a comin’ not juice now buy for not to show hobble hobble this gettin’ lotta couple of time

    All we did was to stand, light the shoe sick up my man, give the tusks to the magic carpet till fraidy-girls

    Oh the sad face

    Aye-ayes my centric let the ex so go in piezo
    You can call me the same one
    Please and call and ensign I choose oh

    Aye-ayes mine centric any ghosts could go in piezo

    Please and call and ensign I choose oh

    Well that’s enough sleepin’ now to keep ’em in scenes to land a just enough a dump ho-humming Catan like planes go

    We can see ’em in the stem lookin’ shoot your gummer bin there’s just too many guys that never fall while the grads at stake

    Aye-ayes my champ let, it helps to go and play stuff, mine

    You can call her med is day one please it call in late scene I do so, alright

    You don’t she no feelin’ seek to got ’em to dome there’s people like that till I’m leading you home

    Aye-ayes my centric any ghosts are going pita

    You can call me the same one please and call and ensign I choose oh

    You don’t she no feelin’ seek to got ’em to dome there’s people like that till I’m leading you home

  • snappyk9

    It’s alright to have on in the background, but what annoys me is that it just sounds like the first verse of a song… Like it feels as if it never hits a chorus? And it just doesn’t really go anywhere. But interesting song concept.

  • Primo2000

    Time for me to repost actual lyrics:


    In de col men seivuan

    Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait

    Uis de seim cius nau op de seim

    Ol uait men in de colobos dai

    Trrr ciak is e maind beghin de col

    Bebi stei ye push yo oh

    Uis de seim cius nau op de seim

    Ol uoit men in de colobos dai

    Not s de seim laikiu de promisdin

    Iu nau in trabol lovgiai ciu gen

    In do camo not cius no bai for lov so

    Op op giast cam lau ue cam lov ai

    Oping tu stei laik cius go mo men

    Iu bicos tue men cold dobrei goris

    Oh sandei

    Ai ai smai sesler

    Eni els so co uil piso ai

    In de col men seivuan

    Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait

    Ai ai smai senflecs

    Eni go for doing peso ai

    Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait

    Uel ai sint no ai giv de sint

    Laik de cius nobodi oh gud taim lev feis go

    Uis de seim et seim cius go no ben

    Let de cius end kai for not de gai giast stei

    Ai ai smai senflecs

    Eni go for doing peso ai

    In de col mein seivuan

    Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait

    Lu nei si not sicidor

    Ah es la bebi la dai big iour

    Ai aismai senflecs

    Eni go for doing peso ai

    In de col mein seivuan

    Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait

    Lu nei si not sicodor

    Ah es la bebi la dai big iour

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