I visited as a teenager back in the 90’s… tour guide warned us not to go out on the sand outside the walls at low tide because of the quicksand- uh hello I’m a kid from rural maine and I’m in Europe and you’re telling me there’s quicksand??? Add that to being able to drink legally – 10/10 would recommend
Yeah it really makes you think don’t it
*Knockturn Alley*
You take me for a muggle?
30 people live there
Where is this?
I’ve seen many photos of Mont St. Michel, but never within its walls. Very interesting!
Incredibly quaint. How would an ambulance get through there?
Sadly, every shop there are low quality tourist traps. As a French, it makes me sad how scummy it is nowadays. Worth it for the scenery though
I really hope some careless roofers or others don’t burn this place down like Notre-Dame in Paris. Maybe they need a fire-watch robot on duty.
Eat the soup before it eats you
Super cool, check out the courtyard on top and make sure to hike the bay. Also climb ontop of the cannons at the entrance and take a picture.
Don’t go to la Mere Poulard, meh and overpriced. For food go to La Croix d’Or a Avranches (30 min drive away)
It’s Diagon Alley
Reminds me of Harry Potter
Why is Diagon alley in here…. I know I just got excepted to Hogwarts but this is way unexpected
This is actually the home screen of AoE2
I thought it was Diagon Alley . . .
The amount of mall ninja shit stores here makes me sad…
I visited as a teenager back in the 90’s… tour guide warned us not to go out on the sand outside the walls at low tide because of the quicksand- uh hello I’m a kid from rural maine and I’m in Europe and you’re telling me there’s quicksand??? Add that to being able to drink legally – 10/10 would recommend
Is that your photo?
Wild. I ate there back in 2003. It’s a trip to see it in this pic.
Reminds me of Age of Empire 2
So people live there? or these are deserted . . . .
Somehow the first i come to think off is Heroes of might and magic 2 seeing this, (Main menu)
Diagon Alley!