In Peter Parker’s bedroom in Spider-Man 2, his globe shows California as an island, a misconception of 16th Century map makers, which is most likely the time the map on it is from.
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Or… It’s a Big Hero 6 reference?
Fun fact: In the 1800s and earlier, when storms came to California, the valleys would flood and create a small inland sea for a few months at a time. The last time it happened was 1861.
give it a couple hundred years, itll come back around.
The writing and the apparent “unknown” areas pretty clearly distinguish it as archaic as well.
It’s really only wrong by like a hundred miles. Baja California is very islandy
Peter’s a history buff confirmed.
No that’s because Superman saved Miss Tessmacher’s mom, and the other missile hit the San Andreas fault like Lex Luthor wanted, so California separated from the mainland.
I thought this was about the globe touching the wall.